chapter 10

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Dedicated to LilSugarQuill
Hayley's POV (the morning of the fashion show).
I awoke early the morning of the fashion show anxious to carry out my devious plan. I glanced at my phone screen and saw a text from Bruce stating that he had done his part of the plan. I smiled slightly because Bruce hardly ever comes through with a plan. As I took a long cold shower I felt the other presence inside me 'acting up " like an active underwater volcano not wanting to be bubbling no more but wanting to burst open. I was tempted to give in at first but I decided against it. The more anxious 'it' got the better 'it' would fight. After taking a shower I dressed in a light pink sundress and blue flats. I wanted to keep it simple for the fashion show. Then I proceeded downstairs where my parents awaited me. They were both watching me with stone cold expressions which was nothing new. They didn't really 'like' me because apparently I am the only female in the family to not be engaged at 16 and they think something is wrong with me but hopefully after today that will all change when my master plan is completed. I walked past my parents into the kitchen since we barely have any conversations and grabbed a bagel and smeared some cream cheese onto it before pouring a glass of orange juice. I ate with much celerity before grabbing the keys to my Honda and walking out of the kitchen just before I left my dad stopped me.
"Hayley" he began his deep,rugged voice sounding like Smog (the dragon from the Hobbit). "Your mother and I have been talking about you and you current situation and we have decided if by the end of the month you have not found your 'match ' we will have no choice but to 'disown' you. I gulped to you disown might simply mean they will no longer be your parents but in my family disown has a totally different meaning. I nodded as my dad walked away wiping a tear from my cheek. I got into my car and proceeded towards the venue of the fashion show anxious as ever to see Connor. I just needed to be around him to see his ugly,goofy face. I mean honestly when I found out what he was to me a spent a whole week barfing because I could not believe it. But it has grown on me a little bit not much though. I mean seriously he is fun to harass. I pulled in , in the driveway if the building. It was one if Mrs. Stains fashion complexes completely modern and absolutely sheek. It was painted in black and silver and radiated sophistication. I took a deep breath as I stepped inside trying to calm myself and the other presence inside of me as 'it' was severely acting up. I walked up to Leslie mrs. Stains assistant and signed my name also noticing that one of the models had cancelled. So I guess Bruce did do his side of the plan he isn't that bad of a brother after all. (Yes I typed brother as I said in the previous chapter Hayley has a secret so does Bruce and I am now slowly going to reveal it unless if course you have already figured it out )
I went backstage and as hoped Raysa Fleece was there and just as I expected she did not recognize me. However I saw her eyes go black for a brief moment so I knew her wolf did but I didn't really mind because she is just like Bianca she hardly ever obeys her wolf and yes I know Bianca but she does nit know me. A couple years ago I learnt that we had something in common somthing that was very important to both of us but only one if us can have it and that's gonnabe me. So I spent the last 2 years of my life spying on Bianca and learning everything about her and her pack............ I sighed heavily as I sat down in my chair as the makeup artist began to work his magic. The other presence inside of me was on high alert for when Connor arrived and it seemed like eternity before he got here but the minute he did I bounced of my chair and wrapped myself in a warm embrace with him.(and by warm embrace I mean me hugging him and he standing there awkwardly) I was confused as I hugged him I mean I am being nice aren't I? So therefore he should like me or maybe he is to much of a dofuss to do that. (Look being nice is hard ok I'm trying). After I hugged him I went back to get my makeup done and shortly after that Mrs. Stain starts yelling at her phone because of the model that cancelled. I slightly smile as I see Raysa immediately pull out her phone obviously to call Bianca. Now this was the most important part of the plan and it was also the most 'ify' part because knowing Bianca she probably wouldn't want to come but after a long conversation I saw Raysa smiling which meant Bianca was indeed coming and my other presence could not of been happier. After my makeup was done I went to get dressed. The out fit I was modeling was a black,long slim fit dress that had a low back and a sweetheart neckline. Also a black,white and grey fur coat (Thank God it was artificial fur) quick a/n it as a winter fashion show because it's fall in the book. With a black fur French hat and white gloves. The shoes were grey heals that had glitters and a cute satin bow at the heel. I must admit it looked good just not for someone my age in this time line. Just as I was finished I was called onto the runway to practice and at that same moment Bianca appeared and well both me and my other presence we were severely happy ,eager and overwhelmed. We could not wait to do what we came here to do in the first place kill Bianca...................
Ok I am sure most of you have guessed Hayley's secret if you have maybe you could comment and see if you're right. Anyways if you are well in the next chapter I wouldn't be using words such as other presence and stuff like that and also I would tell you how Hayley's family 'disowns' someone and who Connor is to her and more about Bruce being her brother and not her boyfriend. Anyways thanks for reading please vote and comment especially if you have any questions or issues or if there is something you want to see happening in the next chapter. Ttylxox

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