Chapter 30

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Bianca's POV
I don't know what brought about the sudden change in my attitude. It wasn't Flair because she was even more shocked by my actions than I was but whatever caused me to kiss Connor was so powerful and commanding that it devoured my stone cold heart and chained my dislike for mating and freed my need to love. Connor seemed taken back by my kissing at first but he quickly adjusted and kissed me back. I deepened the kiss. It was soft yet hungry. We both needed each other. We needed the reassurance that we were there for each other because we were afraid of being left alone to the whims and fancy of the mob. Eventually Connor broke the kiss. I smiled at him he smiled back. I shifted positions so that I laid horizontally with my head on his stomach. He stroked my hair.
"God I love you Bianca, I don't know how it's possible to love a girl you just met but I love you."
His words burned my insides and I felt nice and warm. It was comforting to knoq that Connor loved me and my heart danced because I loved him to. I  couldn't imagine why I was so against this relationship before.
"What are you thinking about B,? He asks peering down at me.
I laugh.
"Oh just pondering over my former ignorance."
He arched his eyebrows in confusion.
I laughed again.
"It's nothing really Connor, I was just being hard headed."
He nodded.
"Ok anyways no offense but I'm fed up of being in bed. I also smell disgusting I need to wash that witch Hayley off of me."
I rolled my eyes.
"Alright I guess you're right, there's a bathroom next door for you to shower in. I'll get some clothes from someone for you."
He nodded and in a blink of an eye was gone.
Why the hell was I so happy? I was not supposed to love my mate. Even if he was as amazing as Connor.
Connor 's POV
In the last 24 hours I've kissed more girls than I have in my entire life. I was having mixed emotions about it and honestly I was feeling a bit nasty amd uncomfortable inside. Especially after what Hayley did. That girl was just horrible yet as I thought about scientifically assassinating her my heart yelled at me not to. My heart was saying that I loved her. It's a good thing I listen to my brain and not my heart. I stepped onto the cold tiles of the blue and green bathroom. Feeling oddly violated as my naked self entered the shower. The cold water that fell from it's head irritated me as it bounced on my skin. I was hating this shower it reeked of last night's events with that pink rat. I wanted to cry and I did. I cried like a little lost puppy why did this have to happen to me.I mean I'm a good person I keep to myslef I just want a normal life.  Yet here I am in a fricking werewolf house waiting to meet a wolf pack. My head throbbed after I said that. It was a bit mean and insensitive but I was afraid. I instantly slapped myself several times in the face.  How could  I have thought that. Urgh. I was so stupid. I really really hate myself....
Ok um I know that was really silly and bad and I'm sorry. Next chapter I'm hoping to introduce a new character courtesy someone else (you'll know in the next chapter.) Also ahhh tomorrow is my exam. Ahhh I'm happy and scared at the same time. I want to cry and I need a hug. Anyways thansk for reading and voting and commenting. You know how much I appreciate you all.

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