
91 6 3
  • Dedicated to Jason

You’re hiding something from me,
It’s easy enough for me to see;
But I’m hiding things from you too,
Just…in general, hiding from you.

You just left me here to think,
And into my thoughts, slowly I sink.
Your words keep dancing through my head,
As fleetingly, I think of crawling into my bed.

I need to get you out of my mind,
My sanity is something I must find;
The way lyrics ring off of your lips,
Makes my foolish heart do stupid little flips…
Everything about you gives me butterflies,
Yet how much of what you are revolves around lies?

Sometimes I wish I could read your mind,
Other times, to my fate I am resigned;
So I’ll bottle up my feelings until I burst,
Because knowing you don’t care would be the worst.

The role of best friend is my facade,
But everyone knows I'm a total fraud;
Everybody but you can see its true,
Everyone knows I can’t stop thinking of you.

You’re hiding something from me,
It’s easy enough for me to see;
But I’m hiding things from you too,
Just…in general, hiding from you.

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