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When I come up with names for this book I think of things that I associate the person with.
I picked Snow because to me this female is a delicate as a snowflake.
I also picked Snow because most people look at snow as a whole (For example looking out your window & realizing that it's snowing). A lot of people don't take the time to realize that every single Snowflakes is different. This person only has a handful of friends because those are the only individuals that appreciate her, plus sometimes she comes off as cold (Like snow get it? Haha... No? Okay...).
One of my favorite memories was making hearts in the snow with her one day after school in 9th grade.
Snow is one of the people who can actually handle my attitude. Yes me & her don't see eye to eye sometimes but that's how friendships work.
She seems to always have my best interests at heart yet she allows me to make my own mistakes.
For some reason everyone thinks she's older than me but I'm older than her by like six months so.. Yeah.
Snow is one of the first people I became cool with on the second day of high school the first time I got the pleasure of stepping foot in the gym of our school....(note the sarcasm)...Some people aren't that lucky to leave high school with the people they entered with.
Life lesson time... It's okay to get really close to people. Yes in high school people definitely change & you go from being cool with someone to hating their guts but if you're lucky you'll find someone in high school that you create memories with. I'm one of the only people in my school that got the pleasure of knowing this person & I'm honored. It's okay to be friends with someone who isn't friends with the entire world. It makes for an interesting stories that you can put in a book one day (get it because I'm writing a book & shes in it... No? Okay).

I was going to publish this chapter then I realized that I left something out. Yes Me & Snow have changed throughout high school and we share similar views of wanting to get out but that's the issue. It's funny how I live in the moment & even if i hate what's going on in one particular moment I continue to live in it. Snow never gave high school a chance. She was... Well boy crazy. She has her whole life ahead of her but what she fails to realize is we can never do high school over again.

Yes I guarantee you that you will go through a phase of wanting high school to be over. Snow can't wait until it's over so that her & her boyfriend can live happily ever after. But if you're like me you'll look back on all your little moments & you'll think to yourself "I can't wait to tell these stories to my future husband & kids" in my case kids means two things. Since I want to be an English teacher in high school I consider my soon to be students as my kids too. Snow literally goes to school and goes home. She isn't around our peers more than she has to be. She isn't taking part in any senior activities & might not go to graduation. She won't have any moments to share with her kids or husband. And right now that doesn't seem like a big deal to her or many people but in ten years it will hit you that you needed to be in school with the people you hated & loved. High school is a learning experience. So if you take anything away from this chapter or book enjoy the moments you have with people. Make friends & go on spontaneous adventures because these are the memories you'll have in the future. Live life with no regrets.

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