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Honestly there was going to be a whole chapter about this person but then I thought about it. Let's just skip to the life lesson. You are allowed to feel however the hell you want to feel. If someone hurt you & you don't want to speak to them anymore you are allowed to feel that way. Don't let anyone especially a little kid try to make you feel like the way you feel about a situation isn't okay. People react differently to everything. That's the way life works. I let so much stuff slide but ill be damed if i sit here and let a good for nothing person tell me that I'm immature for not wanting them in my life after they hurt me. IF YOU ARE THE REASON FOR SOMEONES ANGER OR SADNESS LET THEM BE MAD. Don't talk down on them because they don't want to associate with you because you caused them pain. That's like someone constantly putting their hand in fire knowing that it's hot. IF SOMETHING CAUSES YOU PAIN OR DISCOMFORT DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO PUT YOURSELF IN A POSITION TO BE HAPPY. THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL YOU ONLY GET THIS ONE CHANCE TO LIVE THROUGH THESE FOUR YEARS. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE HAPPY. LIVE FOR YOU. DO YOU. LET THEM TALK BABY GIRL/BOY (Depends on who's reading this). AS LONG AS YOU GET GOOD GRADES, HANG AROUND PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE AND DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY YOU SHOULD BE GOOD.

Maybe one day I'll write this person a real chapter in my book but as of right now Paul doesn't deserve it.

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