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Jane marched to the beat of her own drum.
She was rough around the edges but she's a complete sucker for love.
She started high school in a relationship. She thought that her & that person would be together forever.
It's funny how a girl who hated happy cliché endings thought she found hers.
So fast forward to the month of February freshman year of high school. Jane was about to make a year with this guy & she finds out that he's still madly in love with his ex girlfriend.
Needless to say Jane was heartbroken. She cried everyday for about a week then she was in another relationship.
Jane bounced back so fast I think it was unhealthy.
I never seen someone hurt that bad.

The life lesson here is that you never know. You might think something will last forever but it won't. Consider high school as the land of heartbreak. You might be lucky and find someone that you end up marrying but it's highly unlikely. Don't look for love in high school because everyone is growing & learning how to truly be themselves.

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