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In high school it is so easy to become public enemy number one. I've been there. People make it a point to tell me they don't care about what I do or what goes on in my life but they're quick to cast judgement on me. If you don't kiss people's ass then they will talk shit about you. Half of this chapter will be about me & the other half will be about Harold.

Okay so Harold is your average person. He plays basketball & talks to everyone. His goals have changed so much since the beginning of high school. First he wanted to be a professional football player, then a professional basketball player, then a dad & now a cook. He was the first male in high school that I claimed as my best friend. I believed that we were extremely close but as soon as he stared hanging around others I heard stories about how he never liked me. I heard so many things about this child spitting on my name. In fact I can write you a whole chapter about the things that I've heard about myself in high school. But the same people who have so many negative things to say about me used to come to me & beg for my advice in situations.

The point is your first friend in high school might not always be there and it's fine. Another thing is your first friend might feed you to the wolves & it's actually kinda funny that once you become hated everyone watches your every move and bitch about it. I'm one of those people who don't mind being hated. In Fact i feed off of hatred which is a pretty weird thing to admit. I watch people spend their days hating on others, watching their every move and judging them (ill get to this in more detail in another chapter) but all this hatred leads me to ask one question... (This is directed at a few individuals) If you dislike the way someone acts why do you constantly choose to be around them? Why do you make it your business to find out what goes on in their lives? Why do you waste your breath, time & energy worry about them or speaking bad on them? Maybe it's just a me thing but when I truly don't care about a person I don't care what they do & who they do it with. Too many people in high school concern themselves with the lives of others. This happens to me now (people say they don't care about me yet they constantly talk down on me). Don't be like these people. Stay in your lane. It's the best choice you can possibly make in high school & remember you can't trust everybody. As high school goes on your circle gets smaller & smaller....

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