Chapter 15

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"Wait. What?" Axel said, breaking the long silence.

"Emily, it's my turn for you to come with me. So go up stairs and pack your things. We will be leaving now." My mom explained.

"Mom, wait-" I began.

"Emily, come on. We are on a time schedule. I have to go home and get ready to go to the hospital." She explained.

"Mom." I said, she still didn't listen.

"I was thinking on Saturday after breakfast we could go shopping for new shoes. I remember when you said you needed new Vans and Converses." She still continued to blab on.

"Mom!" I finally screamed. Her head shot to me. "I don't want to leave." I said quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

"What? Why?" She said.

I looked up at Axel, he was staring at me. He nodded his head, saying it was okay. I grabbed his hand and we laced our fingers together. I watched my mom's eyes stare at us then our hands in wonder. "Because I would have to leave Axel." I finally said.

"Emily... You just met him." She said. Did she really just say that?

"We have been spending a lot of time together mom. We make each other happy." I argued with her.

"But what do you know about him? You have only known him for a week." She was now getting on my nerve and starting to annoy me.

"I know more than you do." I challenged. Her eyes narrowed at me.

"Don't speak that way to me. Ever. I am your mother and I don't think you should be dating Axel."

"I really don't care. Axel is my... Boyfriend." I said, testing the word out on my tongue.

"Boyfriend?" My dad walked in at the sound of the word. Crap.

"Yes. Apparently Axel and Emily are dating." My mom said crossing her arms and staring at me.

"Emily. Is this true?" My father asked.

"Yes." I said with my head hanging. I stared at the floor.

"Okay." My father said.

My head shot up. "What? That's all you have to say? 'Okay'?" My mom yelled at him. My dad walked up to Axel and stared at him.

"Emily is free to choose who she wants to be with. If Axel really cares about her and promised to protect her. I feel that he is good enough for her." I was shocked at my dads words. Was he really taking my side.

"I promise Mr. Winter. Emily is my everything, she makes me happy. Without her, I'm nothing." He let go of my hand and rapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Then it's fine with me." My dad said.

"Dad. I want to stay here another week." I told him.

"Emily. Your mother misses you. Please, it's just one week. Besides you will see him everyday at school." He said, not wanting me to argue.

I nodded my head and ran up stairs. If only my parents didn't get a divorce.

* * *

"Come on, sweetie! We have to go." My mom screamed at me from upstairs.

I walked down stairs with my bag in my hand. I stopped at the bottom step and looked down. I felt if I took this step, my heart would break.

I stepped down and walked to the front door. Dad and Amanda were at the front door. I was greeted with hugs and kisses from them, along with goodbyes and see you in a week. Amanda said it was nice to finally meet me, I said same with her.

Axel stood by his motorcycle. He leaned his elbows one the seat, when he looked at he me, he stood up straight.

"Axel-" I began.

"Emily. It's okay. I will see you tomorrow. After Wednesday, we can hangout after school whenever. But for now, I will be with you when we go to school." He said.

I smiled at him. I held his cheek in my hand and rubbed it with my thumb. We slowly pulled into a kiss. It wasn't intense or rough. It was a goodbye kiss.

We pulled away and hugged. I felt tears stream down my face and I let out a sniffle or two. Axel pulled away and stared at me. "Are you crying?" He chuckled.

"Shut up. I have something in my eyes." Axel chuckled again at me. I punched his playfully.

"Admit it. Your going to miss me." He said with a smirk.

I felt tears stream down my face again. "Yea. I am." He pulled me in a hug and cooed me.

"Shhh. Don't worry. I will see you first this Sunday night. I will text you every night and I will see you everyday at school. Believe it or not, you make me actually want to go to school." I giggled.

"Okay. Yea." I said. My mom honked her horn. We both turned to her car, then back at each other.

"Looks like I better go. Good-" I was about to continue.

"Don't say goodbye. Just say... See you later alligator." He said with a sad smirk.

"See you later alligator." I said.

"In a while crocodile." He said back to me.

"I like you." I said. He laughed.

"I like you more." He said. We both smiled.

* * *

The drive home was quiet, my mom and I didn't utter a single word until we got home.

I walked into the familiar two story house. I walked up the stairs and into my other bedroom. I dropped my bags on the floor and slumped on my bed. I let out a sigh. There was no doubt my cheeks would be swollen and puffy.

I heard foot steps grow louder and louder as they walked to my bedroom and open my bedroom door.

"Emily. I'm leaving for the hospital, I will be back in the morning. There are leftovers in the refrigerator. I love you." She said.

"Love you." Was all I could manage to say.

I heard her walk away and her car pull out of the driveway and speed off.

I got up and walked down stairs, had some left over chicken my mom made a night or two ago. I went back upstairs, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my pajamas.

I went into my bedroom and laid in bed, pulling the covers over me and started to relax.

Beep Beep.

I picked up my phone and saw a text message from Axel.

From Axel:
Goodnight Sweet Cheeks <3

I smiled and replied back.

From Emily:
Goodnight Axel. <3 :)

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