Chapter 32

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Time. Time was the only thing I felt. Every second, every minute, every hour, I felt it all.

As I sat in the waiting room, I laid my head back on the green wall. Taking in a deep breath I tried to stay calm and not freak out. I have been here for so long, I began to get tired, I had no energy left.

I called everyone. They deserved to know what happened. My mom and Emily's father are on their way. Emily's mom is also on her way. Sarah is going to pick up Dominick, Caitlyn, and Ryan, then come here.

I have been walking around here like a crazy person for the past hour or so, I kind of lost sight of time, I finally managed to calm down.

Emily's dad and Amanda were the first to arrive. Then came rushing in and desperately searched for me. When they found me and they asked a bunch of questions I couldn't answer.

I barely noticed anything happening around me. All that I could think about is that I put Emily's life in eager for something that happened almost ten years ago. Julian and I were just kids, I didn't know that would happen. But it did, and now Julian will stop at nothing to ruin my life.

My mother knew about everything that happened between me and Julian, so when I told her she didn't seem surprised, more sad for Emily than anything. Emily didn't do anything, and it's all my fault she's in the hospital. This all happened because my dad and I were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Slowly everyone eventually arrived at the hospital. We weren't allowed to see her yet, which drove me to insanity. I had to see her, I had to know she was alive and breathing.

When I arrived at her house Julian held up a gun to her, he shot her in the leg. He pulled her back into his grasp and held a gun to her head. Inside I felt a fire burn, growing bigger and bigger by the minute. I wanted nothing more than to kill Julian and save Emily.

When Julian was about to shoot her, I didn't even realize what I was doing. I found myself on top of Julian, punching the living crap out of him. I knocked Julian out cold and stood up. My knuckles were bloody from punching him too hard; they hurt but I didn't care.

I rushed over to Emily. Her head sat in a pool of blood, unconscious. I stared in horror at her, this is all because of me.

I picked her up bridal style and held her head in my hand, making sure it doesn't get injured anymore. I didn't care if I got blood all over my hand, all that mattered was getting Emily to the hospital.

I ripped off a long piece of my shirt and rapped it around Emily's head. I saw her eyes flutter open and I smiled at her.

"Axel..." She tried to say, but her voice was hoarse from the blood loss that came from her head.

"Shhh... Don't try to speak. I'm going to get you the hospital. Do you think you can stand?" I asked, she nodded slightly.

"Stay awake okay?" I told her and she nodded again. I don't think she was really listening.

I stood her up and she seemed to be fine. I got the bandage around her head, but then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she began to fall. I caught her before she could do any more damage.

"Damn it, Emily." I mumbled.

I picked her up and placed her on the bike first. Then I got on and en twined our hands together, so I knew she would fall off the bike. Then I set off to the hospital.

Currently everyone sat in the hospital, silent as a mouse. No one dared to say anything until we all saw Emily, alive and breathing.

"Mr. Braxton?" A female voice called out to me. I stood up quickly and made my way to her, feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"How is she?" I asked quickly.

"She lost a lot of blood tonight, can you please tell me how this happened again?" The nurse asked.

"She fell on her front porch, she forgot her keys and went back inside to go get them." I lied.

"Hmmm... Well, Mr. Braxton. When you tell me what really happened, I will tell you what is going on with her. Because I know she was shot in the leg, so don't say she fell on a nail or some bull crap like that." She said, shocking me.

I let out a deep breath and stared intently at the nurse. I really needed to know what was happening to her, I needed to help her. "She was attacked by someone to night. She tried to run away, but was shot in the leg. The attacker threatened to kill her with a gun. I jumped at him and she was shoved behind him. She fell on the front porch and started to bleed. That's all I know." I explained.

"Now was that so hard?" She said with a tired smile,I narrowed my eyes at her. "Can you tell me the name of the attacker?" She asked, taking out a note pad.

"Julian Walker." I said. "Not tell me what the hell happened to my girlfriend!" I shouted suddenly at her, making her jump.

She put the note pad away and looked up at me. "Your... Girlfriend was it... Has a cerebral hemorrhage. Bleeding on the brain. It's caused by an artery in the brain bursting and causing localized bleeding in the surrounding tissues." The nurse explained. I felt my heart drop.

"What- is she going to be okay?" I asked, breathing hard.

"We are not sure yet, like I said, she lost a lot of blood. The doctors are going to run a CT scan,which is to reveal internal bleeding or blood accumulation, or an MRI." The nurse continued to explain.

"But she's going to make it right?" I asked frantically. The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

"The doctors are doing the best they can sir, please just take a seat and wait for us to call you back to tell you how it went." The nurse gestured to seat.

I glared at the nurse one last time, and walked over to my seat, but I didn't sit down. I stared at it. I don't know why but I did.

Then everything snapped and I picked up a chair and threw it down on the floor, catching everyone's attention. I began to kick the chair couple times than I punched the wall till my knuckles hurt or started to bleed.

"Sir please calm down!" The nurse yelled, but I ignored her.

"Axel! Calm down!" Ryan yelled. Both Ryan and Dominick ran over to me and held me back, so I didn't do anything else.

"Mr. Braxton! I understand you want to see her, but you must calm down or I will be forced to throw you out! Am I understood?" The nurse said.

I turned to her and wore my most mean, angry, yet tired, look I could ever make. "I understand." I finally replied after a couple heavy breaths.

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