Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning in a strange room that was familiar. I realized that I was in my other bedroom at my mom's house. I completely forgot that I wasn't at my dad's last night. Have you ever just had that moment when you forget everything for a second?

I heard someone shouting my name, but I was still too tired to care who it was. I pulled my purple covers over my head and rolled back over to go back to sleep. The shouting continued. Why can't everyone just shut up and let me sleep forever?

"Emily! Get up your going to be late for school!" It was a familiar voice. My mother's. I was tempted to just ignore her again, but I thought about the pros and cons.

Cons- I have to leave my bed. I have to do work. School is gross and boring.

Pros- Axel is there.

I groaned and pulled off the covers and got off my bed. I went to my closet and picked out my outfit for school. I decided to wear a white tank top with a wool jacket, a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans. Along I tied a red and black plaid jacket around my waist and laced on my red converse shoes. I went to the bathroom and curled my hair, loose but not too loose. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my denim bag.

When I walked down stairs, my mom sat at the kitchen counter, typing on her computer and drinking her coffee. "Hey mom." I greeted her.

Her stopped typing and looked at me. "Finally your awake. I have been calling you for almost an hour now." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked over to a cabinet by the refrigerator. I grabbed a granola bar and tore it open.

"And a good morning to you too, mom." I replied sarcastically.

"Maybe it's time you get an alarm clock." She suggested.

"But if I got an alarm clock, what would you do in the morning?" I replied. She shot me a look, I gave her a sheepish smile in return. "Okay, I'll see you later." I said walking to the front door.

"Do you need me to drive you to school?" My mom asked from the kitchen.

"No, it's fine. I'll just walk. I'll see you later." I opened the front door and left.

* * *

I walked into the school today. Everyone was in the hallways, either getting their things from their lockers or just talking to friends. I spotted Caitlyn and Sarah talking to each other. I ran up behind Caitlyn and jumped on her. She screamed so loud that at least half of the hallway now had its eyes on us.

My face fell when I saw her expression change from calm to angry "Emily! I'm going to kill you!" She yelled at me. I began to to run for my life down the crowded hallways. I shouted move and get out the way as I ran.

"Emily! Come her so I can punch the living crap out of you!" I yelped as she picked up her pace.

We ended up running out of the school in in the front yard. "Caitlyn chill out! I'm sorry! It was just too funny not to do." I yelled back to her. She still didn't stop though.

I looked back to Caitlyn to see her still chasing me and turned back to see where I was running. I ended up running into a wall of flesh. I fell back and almost fell on my back, if not for the wall to catch me. It was hard to see his face because of the sun, but I knew who it was.

"Wow. I guess you really missed me." Axel pulled me to my feet and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"Axel, you have to help me. Caitlyn she-" I began to explain when I heard a female voice behind me. I jumped at her words.

"Emily! Get your butt over here!" she screamed at me. I ran behind Axel.

"Dang Emily, what did you do to Caitlyn?" Axel asked as I hid from her.

"I jump scared her. She has a thing about getting scared. I mean, it was the perfect moment and I couldn't help myself." I said shyly.

"Emily, come out from behind Axel!" She screamed, standing a couple feet away from Axel.

"I said I was sorry! Please don't hurt me!" I pleaded.

"Come here. Now." She said through gritted teeth. I slowly walked from behind Axel to in front of Caitlyn. I was scared, I have never seen Caitlyn this mad before.

The next thing she did surprised me. She began to laughed. She freaking laughed. "You should have seen your face!" She was seriously laughing!

"Caitlyn! You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were really mad at me!" I said I sleeps her in the shoulder, making her wince from the sting of my slap.

"You gotta admit, it was pretty funny." Axel said. I glared at him, he shrugged at me.

"You think it's funny she almost punched my face?!" I asked, more like yelled at him.

"A little." He smirked. I continued to glare at him. I crossed my arms. "Oh come on, don't be mad at me." He pulled out a pretty adorable puppy dog face.

I rolled my eyes and dropped my arms. "Your lucky your cute." I said to him.

"I know." He said with a smile. He pulled me close to his chest and placed a kiss on my lips. We kissed for a minute or two, just enjoying each other. We pulled away and stared at each other.

"Whoa. You guys are really friendly in your family." Caitlyn said, drawing our attention to her. She gasped and placed her hands over her lips. "Are you guys dating?!"

I looked up at Axel, who smiled down at me. We intertwined our hands together and smiled at Caitlyn. "Yes."

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