Chapter 27

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Axel and I sat in the principles office, our parents on either side of us. Though Axel and I still held our hands together.

"Ms. Braxton and Mr. James. I am sure you two are aware of your children's behavior, are you not?" The principle sat in her big black chair; hands together on her desk, leaning forward.

"No." Was all they said.

"It's appears Emily and Axel are dating. Emily got in trouble this morning and was sent to ISS. When she was only there for a half hour, she bolted down the hallway and into the front office. She used the intercom and reported a very special message to Axel here."

"Then they both met outside and performed PDA, but nothing too extreme. Mr. Winter and Ms. Braxton, I can assure you this behavior will not be tolerated at this school."

"Mrs. Katherine, I can assure you, Axel and Emily will be dealt with." My father said.

"I'm sure they will be. But for now, I would like Axel to go to detention for a week." She said looking at Axel. Axel nodded. "As for you Emily, you will be going to detention for a month and you are not allowed to attend the Prom." The principle said to me.

Prom! Oh crap! I forgot prom was in two months, I've been so busy with Axel I guess it slipped my mind.

I stood up and looked down at the principle. "Mrs. Katherine. Please. I have to go to Prom. It's the right of freakin passage to go to Prom in high school!"

"Isn't there something else she could do?" Now it was Amanda's turn to stand up.

"I'm sorry. But from ditching ISS and performing PDA, not to mention using front office materials without permission, she has done too much. You should be lucky that I don't just Suspend or Expel you now." Mrs. Katherine explained.

I sat back down and crossed my arms. I didn't care that much for dressing up and dancing, but Sarah, Caitlyn, and I all promised each other we would go to Prom and have the time of our lives.

We all first met in Kindergarten. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

* * *

"Good bye my beautiful princess! Have a great first day of school!" My mother screamed to me as I exited her big blue station wagon.

I turned around and gave her a big toothless smile. "Bye, mommy! I love you!" I screamed back to her.

She blew me one last kiss and drove away. I turned to the school and my smile grew wider. School was going to be fun.

I walked in and found myself in a long hallway. It was a light shade of blue with different color tiles. Most of the tiles were white, then next to the wall the tiles were white and the next one blue, repeating as you walk down the hallway.

I walked towards the center of four classroom doors. One to my right, to my left, behind me to the right, and behind me to the left.

I searched for the name Mrs. Christina on the door of each classroom. I couldn't read yet, so that didn't really help. I knew a couple letters, but not enough to read full words yet.

I walked to the next set of classrooms. And then the next. And then the next. Until I finally had enough.

I sat next to the wall and let a tear slip down my cheek. That morning I had told my mom that I didn't need her to walk me in and help me find my classroom, because I told her I was a big girl.

I guess I wasn't, just yet.

"Hey, are you okay?" A girly voice asked me. I looked up to see two girls my age standing in front of me. The one on the right had black curly hair with gray eyes. The one that asked me if I was okay had blonde hair and blueish-green eyes.

I wiped my eye and shook my head. "I'm lost." I said sadly.

"Where are you going?" The other girl asked me.

"I'm trying to find my classroom. The teacher's name is Mrs. Christina, but I don't know how to read, so I can't read the names on the doors." I explained to them.

"Mrs. Christina? We have her! Don't worry, we will show you the way. She is just a little down that way." The girl with green eyes said, she pointed to her right down the hallway.

"Thank you." I said with a smile and stood up. We walked down the hallway, I walked in the middle of them.

"So... Where's your mom or dad? Our mom and dad showed us the classroom." The one with blonde hair said.

"I told my mom I could find my way to my classroom." I said.

"And how's that working out for ya'?" The blonde said, joking sarcastically.

"Not well." I joked.

"Well, if you need anything, just ask us." The black haired girl said.

"Thanks." I said. We arrived at the classroom door. I observed it and prepared myself  for my first day Kindergarten. I thought about how the other children acted. I hoped they were as nice as these girls.

"By the way, my name is Sarah." The black hair girl said.

"And my name is Caitlyn." The blonde said.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Emily." I said with a smile.

"I have a feeling we are going to be good friends."

* * *

"Em? Emily" a voice said. I shook my head. Axel stood at me with curious and worried eyes.

I forgot we were still inside the principle's office. Everyone stared at me the same way Axel did, but Axel was more intense.

"Sorry. I spaced." I said shyly, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Axel placed his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze, silently asking me if I was okay. I looked over to him and nodded.

"Thank you for coming in Mrs. Braxton and Mr. Winter. We are done here." Was the last thing the principle said before we left her office.

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