Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning completely not wanting to move from my spot. It was Sunday and looked about 9:00 am, judging from my window.

I laid in bed and recovered last nights events. Axel and I snuck off to go to a party. Axel kissed Julian's girl to make him mad. I get mad at him and run up stairs. We kiss. Julian says I'm his. We come back. We kiss again.

I touched my lips with the tip of my fingers. Last night's memories played through my head. Constantly on repeat.

I got up and walked to my bathroom. I stripped from all of my clothes and got in the shower. Turning on the water it was cold. I let out a hiss and quickly changed the temperature.

I could feel the hot pellets of water drop on my skin. It felt good. Just wash away all of the dirt and feel like a new person when you come out.

I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The mirror was fogged up from the hot water. I rapped a towel around my body and wiped away some of the fog off the mirror.

I had make up smeared all over my eye and down to my cheek. I looked like a human raccoon. I laughed at myself and my raccoon eyes.

I was getting dressed when I noticed something. "Oh my god. No, no, no, no!" I observed my neck.

"Axel!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. In less then a minute Axel came barging in to the bathroom.

"What?! There better be a fire." He walked in and stopped and stared. A smirk on his face as he chuckled. "I think that's a nice new look, Emily." He tired so hard to hold in his laughter.

"No. Not this." I pointed to my neck. "This." He walked over to me and observed my neck. He then bursted out laughing. He tried covering it with a cough.

"It's not that bad." He said still laugh/coughing.

"Not that bad?! You gave me a hickey!" I blurted out. Axel laughed harder. "It's not funny! My dad is going to flip if he sees this!" I said sleeping and punching him.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Just cover it up with some makeup and your hair. No one will notice anything." Axel said, he stopped laughing and but was still trying to be serious.

"Fine. But we are not done here." I said as I let the bathroom.

Axel let out a sigh. "I'm in trouble."

"Yes you are!" I called back to him from my bedroom.

I heard him walk back to his bedroom and shut his door. I picked out my outfit for the day and all of the makeup I had.

I chose to wear a simple gray hoodie with dark blue skinny jeans, of course with my black vans. I brushed my hair so it would be straight and long. Then I applied concealer to my neck and power, to make the hickey disappear. After I finished I pushed my hair to the front and watched it fall bast my breast.

It seemed okay, but I have to make sure. I walked to Axel's bedroom and knocked on the door. He opened the door and leaned against the frame.

"Well...?" I said, annoyed he didn't say anything.

"I can't see it anymore." He said with a smirk. My face brightened and I let out a puff in relief.

"Good." I said still smiling. Axel was about to go back in when I stopped him. "Hey. We talk about what happened last night."

"Okay. Let's talk." He said.

"Not here. Come on, let's go to the park." I said nudging him with my shoulder. He gave me a smirk and grabbed his leather jacket.

We ran down stairs and sped walked to the front door. "Where do you think your going?" A deep male voice called from the living room.

"Out." I responded bluntly. He gave me a look. "Dad. Please. This is important." I pleaded with him.

He stared for a little while longer and finally said, "Okay. But be back by dinner time."

I smiled and ran up to him. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. "Thanks daddy." I whispered. He mumbled a 'your welcome.'

I grabbed a apple and a banana and my bag and ran outside. Axel waited on his bike for me and started it. "Where is the park?"

"It's not far. I'll guide you there." I told him. He nodded and waited for me to get on. After the regular procedures, we were ready to go.

The whole time I thought of what I would say to him. Did I have feelings for him? I mean, I definitely felt something but... Was it real? What if I liked him and he didn't like me? I could just be his play toy for all I know. That he didn't return the feeling I had for him. That scared me more than anything else.

After a long trip of guiding Axel to the park, we arrived in the time of just 5 minutes. Axel got off first then he helped me off the bike. I thanked him and we went inside the gates.

There were a couple of people here. Mostly just children playing on the playground with their moms' watching from a far, and people working out with their headphones in.

Axel lead me to the swing set, that no kids happen to be on. I sat to the left of Axel. We didn't say anything for a long time, until Axel let out a puff of air.

"Look, Emily. I know you know that I have a bad past and that you know nothing about it. But, I like you. Like I like-like you." He said completely taking me off guard. "I liked you ever since you threaten to throw my bag out the window. Just something about you made me happy. You aren't like most girls I've met. You special, and I don't want to lose you." He said staring at me now. I felt my face flush.

A minute or two past without anyone uttering a word. I was so never ohs and flustered, I couldn't even utter one word. Until I finally built up the courage to speak my mind and heart.

"I like you too, Axel." I whispered softly. His head snapped to me. I looked up and watched a smile speed across his face. He jumped up and lifted me in the air. I giggled as he spun me around and set me down.

He pulled me into a long hug and I hugged him back. "You have no idea how happy I am right now." He said in my ear

"Oh, I think I do." I said with a chuckle. I felt Axel chuckle in my arms. "Who wouldn't be, I'm amazing." I said jokingly.

"Yes, you are." He pulled away and smiled at me. "That's why I want to do this right." I gave him a puzzled look.

He got down on one knee and took my left hand. "Emily James Winter-" he started.

"Axel, I'm not marrying you." I said with a toothless grin.

"I know. At least not yet." He said with a wink, my cheeks flushed. "As I was saying- Emily James Winter, would you do me the honor of being my girl friend?" He asked.

"Yes. Of course I would." I said. Again I saw his smile grow from ear to ear. He picked me up again and pulled me into a hug. He was so tall, that my feet couldn't even reach the ground.

"Oh god. Axel it's almost dinner, we have to go or my dad will give me a lecture about time management." I said to him.

"Okay yea, come on let's go."

* * *

We arrived home, late by 10 minutes for dinner. I felt bad but I just had the best day ever, except for the mark on my neck, so I didn't really care.

I opened the front door, laughing at something Axel said on the way back. When I opened the door I was shocked to see my mom standing there.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about? You always come home on Sunday nights."

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