Chapter 17

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"Oh my god! Emily this is so awesome!" Right now our 'squad' was sitting at our regular lunch table eating what we had for lunch. Axel and I told everyone that we were officially together. Right now Sarah was freaking out. Not that I'm really surprised, she always did get excited about everything.

"We need to come up with a ship name! How about... Amily or Emel? Awe, you guys are so cute together!" She was starting to drive me inch by inch closer to insanity.

"Sarah. Would you mind grabbing me a fork?" I asked, interrupting her talking about me and Axel being perfect for each other.

"Your going to eat soup with a fork?" She asked staring at soup I got for lunch.

"It makes it more challenging?" I shrugged. She stared at me for a second or two then smiled and said sure. As soon as she left ear shot I slammed my head on the table and let out a groan.

"Oh come on, she's not that bad." Dominick said, thinking I was overreacting.

I looked up. "Trust me, I love her to death, but sometimes there's too much sun for this night."

"I think it's cute how she is so excited for you guys." Caitlyn said. "I mean, she's right, you guys are perfect for each other."

I looked at Axel and smiled. I leaned my head on his chest. "Yea, I guess I got pretty lucky." I said, agreeing. He was my everything, he made all of the sadness leave me and only leave me with happiness. I loved that about him.

Sarah came back with a fork and I silently thanked her. "So are you guys going anywhere after school?" Sarah asked, as she sat down.

"We can't, Axel has detention until Wednesday. After that, I'm all his and he's all mine." I said.

"For now, I'm all Mrs. Wilson's." Axel said with fake enthusiasm. "I would just ditch, but Emily doesn't want me to get more detention."

"It will happen, just get it over with, then we can do whatever we want." I said with a smirk.

"Ooo, I like the sound of that." He said mimicking my smirk. He placed a kiss on my lips, we kissed for a little while.

"Guys come on, I had a really good lunch today for once. I don't feel like throwing it up." Ryan said, speaking for the first time. Axel flicked him off, and I giggled at their stare off.

The bell went off and I took my tray to the trash can. Axel and I walked to our 8th period classroom, Science. We walked in a took our seats. Axel and I sat next each other, as lab partners.

"Alright class, today we will be learning about the study of Ecology!" The teacher, Mrs. Bella, said trying to be as energetic as possible. "Now Ecology is the scientific study of the processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, the interactions among organisms, and the interactions between organisms and the transformation and flux of energy and matter. This is basically the study of environmental systems, or also called, the economy of nature."

"So class, I have decided to make this into a group project. You and a partner will be assigned an environmental system. The two of you will write about the types of animals that live there and what it is like to live there."

"I will be calling, boy and girl, partners by random so it's fair, please do not whine to me about your partner, cause I really don't care." This is why I actually like Mrs. Bella. She didn't take crap from anyone.

"Now I everyone to write their name on a piece of paper and put it in my jar." She held up a small jar with decorative flowers all over it.

Everyone did she she was told. We all wrote our names, walked up to her desk, and placed the names in the jar.

"Okay, did I get everyone's names?" She asked, no one said anything. "Then let's find out who your partners are."

She pulled out the first two names.

"Patrick and.... Thea."

Then another one.

"Ronald and.... Quinn."

And another one.

"Yavanna and.... Anthony."

Then it happened.

"Alright class, and they next two are.... Axel and.... Harley."

I felt my head and my heart pound. My stomach jumped off a cliff and I don't think it was coming back. My fists were clinched together, I felt like punching something.

Well more like someone.

And last but not least, we have Emily and.... Walter.

I let out a quiet groan and I heard Axel stifle a laugh. I shot him a look, he tried to cover it up with a cough. I hit him gently on the stomach.

Walter Dillies, the biggest nerd at this school. He has received a couple rewards for designing different kinds of experiments. He is also a A-class nerd, along with the big glasses and the goofy clothes and the greasy hair.

He has black hair, shinny with grease, combed back. His large glasses framed his brown eyes and he always wore plaid shirts with uniform pants, even though we don't wear uniforms here, with socks and sandals.

Caitlyn has almost fainted because of him. She just can not accept a fashion disaster like Walter.

He looked over to me and smiled. I smiled a toothless grin and gave him a smile wave. Then I turned back to Axel and gave him a sad look. He wore a smirk and kissed my forehead.

"Alright this is an out of class assignment. Please meet up somewhere and discuss your projects there." Mrs. Bella told the class.

The bell rang, dismissing us, saying go home. I let out a sigh of relief and walked with Axel to the front. Axel offered to take me home on his motorcycle since I don't have a car and he doesn't want me to walk home.

I found Walter walking home and I told Axel I'll be right back. I ran up to Walter and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and stared at me.

"Hey, your Walter, right?" I greeted him, he nodded his head. "Hi I'm Emily, I'm your lab partner for the project. I was just wondering where do you want to do the project?"

"Look, I know you want to help, but I think it's better if I just do it and get us an A." He said.

"Um... What? Are you trying to say I'm not smart enough to do this?" I said getting angry.

"Yes. Don't take it personally, it's just girls aren't as smart as boys." He responded. Who does he think he is?

I stopped and stared at him. Then I did the only rational thing I could think of.

I punched him in his stupid little face.

He fell to the concrete side walk with a thud, he clutched his nose in his hand and looked up at me in horror.

Axel ran up to me and held me back so I would kick him and hurt him any more.

"Whoa, what happened?" He said.

"He pissed me off."

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