uncle Severus

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There was a knock at the door. "Narcissa can you go get a calming draught for Isabelle. "Of course" I don't need a calming draught." Yes you do and no more arguing with me." Yes father." Father was nice but hates being disrespected but I am do only one. who can get away with it. If Draco said what I said he would have been grounded. " hello Severus come in." Uncle Severus! " I screamed and jumped over to him and gave him a hug. " someone is hyper." Yup."Isabelle take this." Yes mommy." I took the potion, I felt calmer after a dew seconds but tired, calming draught always makes me tired." I walked over to the couch and layed down. " Lunch " said my mom. " I walked in to the kitchen because I was no longer hyper. " someone seems calmer." I am dray." That is good now just no more sugar please." But I need sugar if not who is gonna be the hyper one in the house, you." No, but we do not need a hyper one." Yes we do." No." Yes" No!" Yes!" No!" Both of you shut up" Sorry, uncle severus." ( bold will be when draco and isabelle are talking in there head. Isabelle will be italics and bold, while draco will just be bold.) he is scary when he is mad or yells. I know but he is not scarier than dad is he. Yes he is because he actully yells at me and I cant get away with anything. Yeah because he does not treat you speacial well he always gets you gifts but does not let you get away with anything. It is terrible is it not? It is terrible for you me not so much. How about we talk later the adults are staring at us oddly. sounds good it kinda creeps me out."OK, now that you two are done talking ,I got you two gifts."Did you have to get them gifts Severus. " yes I did luicias ."I got clothes and dray got more potions ingredients."well I have to go and set stuff up for Hogwarts, I will see you two at Hogwarts. "Ok, bye uncle Severus." We said in unison.

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