He will die!

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1k reads, wow! How? I never even expected this to get 100. It's not even that great, but y'all enjoy it. Thanks for the reads. I really appreciate it. I am posting this chapter early. Updates from now on will be at random times. I will not have a schedule due to school. Enjoy the chapter .
The twins walked in and said "are you okay?" in unison. Yeah we're fine." I replied. Uncle Sev scoffed and said "sure if you count scars on your back as fine and getting beat as fine then yeah you two are fine." What , He will die!" Lion , Penguin you can not kill him!" I yelled then shot a death glare at them.

I heard a very quiet whimper. I looked behind me and noticed that is was Uncle Sev. Screaming must still be bothering him. I have only seen him this vulnerable one time before this. My parents were fighting and he broke down crying. He flinched away when anyone touched him and would whimper when anyone talked to loud. That lasted for an hour. He seemed strong but behind his mask he was weak and scared and scared.He seemed to be lost in memories again. I walked up to him and he had a faraway look in his eyes. "Is he stuck in memories Iz." Yeah , he is , what do we do?" Attempt to comfort him." How do you suggest we do that dray, he flinches away when anyone touches him. He also whimpers and gets trapped in more memories when someone talks to loud. What do you suggest we do!" Iz you know what to do." No I don't!" Really you are the best at comforting people." No I am not!" Iz just try." Dray said desperately. "Fine, I'll try but it won't work."

I walked next to Uncle Sev and said " hey uncle sev it's okay your not there. That time of your life is over." I then embraced him in a hug. He stiffened . " get away from me, don't hurt me ." He stuttered. I just held him and told him everything was okay and that he would be okay.

After about five minutes he calmed down." Dray get a calming draught." I don't ." You are taking one weather you like it or not and you are shaking." Dray handed me the potion and I handed it to uncle Sev. "Here." He just took it and drank it.

"You okay now?" I am good, sorry about that." Don't apologize, you went through so much at a young age and you finally broke." But belle." But nothing uncle Sev you are human and humans break down eventually."

He stopped talking at that. I smiled when he called me belle. "You got told professor Sev." Weasleys you will not call me that! "Sorry Sev." You are asking for a detention." Nope we don't want one Sev." That's it detention! "No! We're sorry." No you would not stop so detention." Fine!"

My brother and I were laughing so hard that we were rolling on the floor. I think things will be fun with the weasley's around.

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