Losing hope

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I am so so sorry I have been gone so long. I will try and update once a month or every to weeks. I do not promise anything. Life has been horrible lately. And this chapter and the next few ones will kill you. Rip your heart out. I originally was going to make it happy , but decided why not rip your heart out then put it back in later chapters. This will not follow the books. As I have some other ideas for this. But certain parts will. More so will in the third and fourth year. Enjoy. And please do give feed back. And I need ideas on who to put as couples later on. Enjoy .

3rd Person P.O.V

Draco Malfoy,Pureblood, bully. Just a few of the things that would come to your head when talking about him. If one was to look at him now he would be unrecognizable. Draco would usually trade insults with Harry Potter, but he no longer cared to. Draco would wake up , throw on his clothes and not even bother with his hair. Instead of eating breakfast he would simply drink a glass of water in his doom and go straight to class. If he did go to a meal he would simply pick at his meal or eat a few bites. He no longer cared, his appetite gone.

Draco looked at his sister. It had been two weeks since he last visited her. She looked better than he did,but Draco did not know that. He did not know how sick he was starting to look. Draco wiped his tears and grabbed his bag and walked away from his sister.

He was always skipping his first period. He did not care to go. Draco walked to charms. He was fifty minutes late, leaving only ten minutes left.

Professor McGonagall voice rang out in anger "And where were you?"

Draco simply shrugged and in a bitter , cold emotionless tone said "visiting my twin and dying." Draco took a seat in the back of the class , as McGonagall started at him speechless.

"Detention and get out of my room. If you are going to be so late just don't show up." The professor said. She made a mental note to alert Severus on how the boy was doing. She thought it was best for him to not be in class today. Her detention was simply going to be talking to him.

Draco grabbed his stuff and left the room. He went to the empty common room and sat down by the fire as tears streamed down his face. His vision completely blurred by the waterfall of tears. Sobs wracked his body as his jerked roughly . His frail arm hit the fire as a viscous sob made its way from his body. Draco yelped in pain, and quickly pulled his arm away. His skin was bright red and bleeding slightly . Draco welcomed the feeling,as his mind was only focusing on his pain. He had never thought like this before, but little did he know it would become a poison. A poison he would struggle to shake. Little did he also know he already had one. He heard the portrait opening and quickly pulled his robe over his arm and sat in the chair wiping his tears.

Professor Snape looked at the young boy and was beyond shocked. He was to focused on his own pain to see the young boy who was too thin and looked as though he has not slept in weeks.

"Draco, we need to talk. You look like you are barely hanging on." Said Uncle Severus as he was known to the young boy.

Draco simply shook his head and stood up ,and swayed as dizziness and pain overtook him. The man put his hands on the young boy's shoulders and steadied him and gently sat him back in the chair. Draco glared and shoved him away and ran to his dorm, ignoring the dizziness.

Draco slammed his door and put a locking and silencing charm up. He screamed and sob as pain over took his body. Both physical and mental. The young boy was barely holding on.

Draco went to his trunk and pulled out a muggle lighter . His sister got it for him for some reason. This was a huge mistake. He would spiral more than he ever imagined due to This one action. Draco did not understand why he was doing this. He just knew it would make the pain stop, as it did moments before.

He pulled up his sleeve and held it to his wrist. The top part of his arm was what got burnt. He flicked it on and gritted his teeth as the pain started to make itself present. The flame licked his pale white flesh. He clicked the lighter off after a few seconds. His skin was a reddish color and a white pocket was starting to form over. He quickly put the lighter back in his trunk and went to the bathroom. He stared at himself but felt a weird calm. This scared him slightly , but Draco could not bring himself to care as the mental pain was gone. He grabbed the bandages that were on a cabinet below the mirror. There were bandages just case in there. He wrapped his arm and wrist and pulled his sleeve over his bandages arm. Draco left the bathroom and walked halfway to his bed, when dizziness over took him.

He hit the floor and his head smacked the floor slightly. Draco welcomed the familiar blackness.

Draco Malfoy SisterWhere stories live. Discover now