He found out

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I got out of my seat as uncle Severus stared at me. He got up and started walking towards us. " we have to run." Why?" I'll explain later ,just run!" We then ran out of the great hall and down the hall. "Isabelle Ignis Malfoy stop right now or else I will contact your father!" Shit , we have to stop ." they stopped and stood next to me. I was scared. I thought he would act like my father will. He walked to me and hugged me. "Shh, its okay. I will be there when he finds out." I'm scared. I don't want to be punished. I have heard from Draco about what its like." Look you will be fine .
"Iz!" I heard dray say. Uncle Sev let me go just seconds before I was crushed in a hug. " I am so sorry I acted like a git. I am scared for you." I am scared to and it is fine." You don't understand." I cut him off. " Your right I don't . But tell me how bad will my punishment be? I know father hates griffindors." You really want to know ?" Yes." Dray took a deep breath and released me and turned around so that his back was facing me. He took off his robe and lifted up his shirt. He had about ten scars on his back. " How did those get there?" I said even though I knew the answer. I just didn't want to believe it. "Father. You reamember when I got in trouble and father grabbed my hair and dragged me to his office?" Yeah." Well when we got to his office he threw me into the room and closed the door. He put silencing charms up. He shoved me on the ground and put his foot on my lower back and hit me with his cane ten times. He said that you get as many hits for as old as you are. I was screaming but he didn't stop until he was done. He then left me in there until morning. " oh my Merlin that's wrong on so many levels. That explains why you are a little hesitant towards father and barely hug him." Yeah I fear him." Now I will to." I didn't want this believe me." I know you didn't " I said as I grabbed him and embraced him in a hug as he cried . "I am sorry." Don't apologize you have nothing to be sorry for." Malfoys don't show weakness." He said fathers rule. We had rules drilled into our head. " Father is not here."
"Isabelle ." Yes uncle?" I need to fire call your dad." Okay do I need to come?" I stuttered "Yes I am sorry." I am as well. You have to watch that . Your memories will be painful." I know." Uncle sev can I come?" You sure?" Yes I need to be there for my sister." Okay, Fred George get back to the great hall. I will send you an owl later." Yes professor Sev." They said and then ran. " weasleys!"We then started the walk to his office.
When we got there he fire called father and he stepped out of the fire place as he flooed. "What were your houses?" Slytherin" said Draco. " Slytherin and gryffindor " I said " what you are a disgrace!" He said as he put up silencing charms. Uncle sev eyes looked far away. I knew he was trapped in memories. I was then grabbed by my hair and slammed to the floor." No please!" I said as I began to cry " Malfoys don't cry or beg!" He said. He then put his foot with his boot on to my lower back. He took of my robe then he lifted up my shirt and brought the cane down. "Ahhh stop please, I ahhh!" I screamed over and over. " He hit me eleven times with his cane before he spit on me and said " You are not allowed home." Then I am not coming home either Lucius." That's it Draco!" Lucius then took his foot off me." He was not my father. I looked at Draco in fear. Lucius then grabbed him and thew him to the floor and took of his robe then lifted up his shirt and hit him eleven times with his cane. When he was done . Uncle sev faraway look disappeared and he said " Stupefy!" He then grabbed him and put him in the fire place and said malfoy mannor then threw floo powder in.

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