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New chapter. Hope yall enjoy this. And i am so sorry for any errors. I never catch them until after i publish. Okay here we go.

Isabelle P.O.V.

I was running from what i do not know. Just running as i was scared. Scared of what i do not know. I heard muffled screaming. To quiet to be heard over my own beating heart and thundering steps. I then felt a hand on my shoulder as i was slammed to the ground. I screamed as i was turned around to see my attacker. Him, Lucius, my father.

I fell of my bed and woke up to a great pain everywhere but the main pain was in my wrist which was underneath my body. Bent a weird angle. Pansy, Taylor and Megan ran to my side. Next thing i know Draco is by my side as Pansy runs out of the room. Draco slowly helps me up and places me on my bed. He smiles sadly at me moving my hair out of my face.

Uncle Sev runs in to the room followed by Pansy. He goes to my side and draco moves and grabs my not hurt hand. Uncle Sev mutters a spell under his breath and my body glows a soft red. A parchment appears with the injuries. He sighs and looks at me.

"Well you hurt yourself kinda bad." Uncle Sev said.

"What did I do this time?" i asked him.

" fractured your wrist, cracked the side of your ribs on your right side, and your side will be bruised. The most i can do is heal your wrist and ribs. Even then you need a wrist brace."  Uncle Sev said and smilied sadly at me.

I just nodded my head not able to think straight. A million thoughts running through my mind. He handed me a potion with out a word. I took it and drank it as i trust him completly. I then felt myself grow tired and fell asleep as the world went black.

Draco P.O.V

Once Uncle Sev gave Iz the sleeping potion i stood up without a word letting go of her hand. Uncle Sev looked at me in shock. Probably shocked I was actually leaving Iz. I walked out of the dorm and to where the doors of the school where. I walked out of the school and went to a tree where no one could see me.

I quickly climbed up and allowed my mask to drop. Me the rude one, the git, the bully Draco Malfoy broke. I broke. It hurts to see my own sister suffer. I know she broke last night. And i could not be there for her. It kills me knowing that when she needed me to be there i was not. I sat in the tree for a while.

Around lunch time i climbed down. Already missing half my classes. I was walking back to the doors when i ran into Fred. He noticed my tear stained face and grabbed me pulling me in to a hug. He let me go after a minute.

"Hey Draco let's go get you some food. I know for a fact you have not eaten. No come on." he said and opened the door.

I walked in to Hogwarts with him following behind me. George came up behind me and grabbed my shoudlers and picked me up then put me behind him.

"Oops sorry." George said smiling.

Fred just looked at his twin and smiled. I smiled at the two and they went ahead of me in to the great hall. I waited a minute or two before going in my self.

I walked in and noticed my sister run to me. She wrapped me in a tight hug and led me gently to the Slytherin table. I sat next to her noticing the wrist brace she wore. I simply gave her a side hug not caring who saw or what they thought. She was my sister my twin.

Isabelle P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Draco was gone. My wrist had a brace on it. I guess it was to much for him. Uncle Sev told me i needed to get ready for class now. I simply nodded and grabbed clothes from my trunk and went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. I grabbed my bag and headed to great hall prepared to question Draco.

When i got there i noticed he was not there. I sat down next to Taylor as i felt his pain through out weird bond thing. I knew he dropped his mask. It was best to leave him alone. I talked to Blaise and Taylor during breakfast.

We then all headed to our first class. Well all but Draco. I knew Uncle Sev would be beyond pissed that Draco was missing class.

It was quite boring without my twin. But i managed threw the first half of the day. I then walked to the great hall for lunch. A few minutes later of picking at my food getting worried about my brother.

He walked in. I stood up and ran to him hugging him tight not caring who saw. He was my brother my twin after all. I gently led him to the table and sat him down next to me as he stared at my hurt wrist. He then pulled me in to a side hug which i gladly returned. Uncle Sev then walked down and stood right behind us and he did not look happy.

Draco Malfoy SisterWhere stories live. Discover now