What is going on?

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Here's the new chapter. Sorry it's been a while. It's just hard to update with school . Which is why I put my other story on hold. And I am going to try to update as soon as possible. I will have at least one more update this weekend. I woke up to voices. I sat up with a gasp. I was in the hospital wing.

"What happened?"

"You were attacked by some 5th years. Your injuries are healed but an unknown spell was used on you. So we don't know what will happen. Your brother, dorm mates and Professor Snape will be keeping a close eye on you. You may leave."

"Thank you and bye."

I walked out follows by Dray and my dorm mated. Uncle Sev stayed to talk with Poppy. When we got to the dorm room, all hell broke loose. I could not control my emotions or my actions . I not only had a altered memory but I also felt a anger I have never felt before. Dray kept asking if I was okay. I was getting very annoyed.(An: I will insert there fight here as I am to lazy to re type it.)

"Leave me alone! "

"No , your my sister, I am not Leaving you alone!"

"I said leave me alone!"

"No! I am not letting you deal with this alone!" "

"Now you care! Where were you when they were beating me up! You were standing there, watching them!"

"What was I supposed to to do! Get hurt too! I would have been no use if I got hurt!" "

I don't care! The point is you stood there and did nothing!"

"Stop being over dramatic!"

"Your a stupid git! "

I yelled then threw a book a him.

"That's it!"

He screamed then he threw the book back at me and it hit me in the face.

"I hate you!"

I screamed then ran out. I ran into my room and screamed out in anger. I was mad , sad and scared. I did not know what to do. I could barely make sense of my thoughts. I layed on my bed and sobbed. I kept seeing two different versions of the attack . I did not know which one to believe. I yelled at Dray because I had seen this version of it when I was passed out.

They were kicking me when Dray showed up. He stood there and laughed very quitly. He tried to cover it up with a cough. Then everything went black.

I wanted to believe the one that actually happens. But I don't know what is real or what is not. Dray then walked in.

"Izzy, are you okay?"

"No I am not! You stood there and laughed when they were hurting me!"

"What do you mean? I got there just as you were blacking out. Your memory might have been altered."

"What! I don't want my memory altered."

"Look we can ask uncle Sev to use his pensive."

"Ok , what will you show me?"
I want to show you what really happened and to see what spell was used."

"Ok, let's go."

I got up and we walked into the common room. Uncle Sev looked at us.

"Uncle Sev can we use the penisive."

"Of course."

He motioned for us to follow him . We walked down the hall to his private corridor. We went to his potion area. He took us to the Penisive.

"Belle, I need a drop of your blood."

"Of course."

I handed him my hand and he pricked my finger with a dagger. I put my hand over the penisive and let a drop of blood fall in. Uncle Sev then healed it. We all went into the penisive and got lost in my memories. We only saw a tiny bit of what happened but we got the spell. That's all that matters.

'I was being kicked and just as I was about to black out a spell was muttered memoria, memoriae, mutatio extermina. '
(An:not an actual spell I just made it up. Using google translate. )

When we pulled out uncle Sev looked pissed. He stared rambling and yelling in anger.

"Those basters use a forbidden spell! Its forbidden for a reason ! If not used carefully it can completely change you memory or erase it all! It can also mess up your brain permanently! You could have died from the spell! They are going to die!"

He then began to walk to the door , I could not let him leave. He might kill someone. I grabbed his arm and said

"Uncle Sev calm down, sit down and handle this when you are in your right mind, not right now."

He walked to a chair and sat down as he put his head in his hands. We left him alone for a bit.once he calmed down he said

"Why don't we just stay here for a bit as I refuse to let you leave for now."

He was worried for us. I had told him and we went to his living room and sat down. He had gotten up for a minute and came back with Hope on his shoulder. I smiled at the beautiful owl. Uncle Sev looked at me and said,"do you want to see her?" Sure." He got her off his shoulder and she flew to mine. I smiled and giggled. Hope nipped my fingers and I grabbed a piece of bread from the table beside me and gave her smile. She made a hooting noise and flew back on to uncle Sevs shoulder . He stroked her feathers as I smiled and people call him heartless. He is far from it.

Megan, Blaise and Pansy came running in and Blaise was carrying Taylor.

"What happened?!" I screamed .
I was freaking out. "We don't know we found her like this in the hallway. We came straight here." Blaise put her on the couch I will be right back." Legilimens." He said and in a minute or two he pulled out of her mind. "What happened?" She was walking and these kids ran past her shoving her and she fell into the wall and hit her head on the floor. And she passed out as you can tell. "Okay, will she be okay?" Yeah just get me a pepper up, healing, and pain reliever potion ." Of course."

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