Chapter 1- The Battle

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"Come Draco."

Those two words from my mother sealed my fate. I knew at that moment I had no choice. I could never let her down.

It never bothered me to disappoint my father. He was abusive and made all the wrong choices. But my mother. She gave birth to me. She protected me the best she could. She was the only person I could truly be myself around. She was the only one who knew everything about me.

So when she called me over to the dark side, I couldn't tell her no. No matter how bad I didn't want that life, I knew that if I didn't join her, The Dark Lord wouldn't hesitate to kill her, and that truly terrified me.

I walked to her side, but when I got there I looked across at my schoolmates. I could see the Weasels, one of the twins, with a tear stained face. Where was the second twin? I've always thought they were funny, but being a Slytherin, I could never let anyone know that. I wrote about them to my mother a few times, I told her about their fireworks during 5th year. Father found that letter and scolded me for even paying attention to them. After that I refused to put anything personal in writing.

I saw the Lovegood girl, she looked rough, everyone did, but her normally sleek blonde hair was sticking up everywhere. Everybody looked tired and worn out. I could see Granger out of the corner of my eye, but refused to look directly at her. She was cuddled up to Weasel, she deserved better than that garbage.

My mind wandered to Crabbe. I can't believe he's gone. That idiot. What the hell was he thinking? Tears pricked my eyes. No, I won't cry here. I will not cry in front of these people. I wish Potter wouldn't have saved me. He should've let me burn.

I can't believe he failed. He was my only way out. My mother's only way out. She doesn't deserve this life, she deserves to not have death eaters living in her house. Maybe, if we get out of this, I'll take her away and buy her a nice home away from the Death Eaters. Away from father. Away from Britain.

Suddenly I see movement in Hagrid's arms. Potter. I can't control my legs anymore. I run to him. My savior. Mother's savior. The Dark Lord's only weakness.

Father stuns me. I know it was him because everybody else was running around, trying to figure out what to do. I saw him from the corner of my eye with his wand pointed at me. Mother comes up to me and apparates us.

When we land I look around expecting to see the Manor. Mother and I were in a run down house, that was quite dusty. I look at mother and ask, " Where are we? Why are we not at the Manor?"

She doesn't answer right away, as she is scanning our surroundings, appearing as tho she is looking for something. Then she realizes what I asked as says, "The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

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