Chapter 2- The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

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"The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

Those words stunned me. "What are we doing here, Mother?"


"From whom, if I may ask? And does Potter know we're here? Doesn't he now own this?"

"Draco, dear, stop with the questions. You're so curious, but the answers will come soon enough. For now, we must sit and wait."

I obey, but there are still so many questions in my mind. Who are we hiding from? Will Potter be upset that we are in his house? Why of all places did Mother choose here? Suddenly I think of something, "Mother our clothes. If we are planning on staying long we will need to change at some point, because honestly, my suit is wrinkled and dirty. You know how Father..."

"Draco!" Mother interrupts, "We have clothes in the closet. And enough about your father. He is not here to reprimand you on your attire. Honestly you look wonderful with your messed up hair. I always loved your hair like that."

As she says that I absent mindedly try to fix my hair. Even though Father is not here I can't help but feel as though he is in the walls. He would surely be upset that I am such a mess. My pants are singed at the bottom. I get the sudden erg to take them off and keep them forever. My reminder of what happened. A reminder of my friend.

I walk away from Mother to the closet, and sure enough, my entire wardrobe is in there. I give Mother a quizzical look, but she doesn't seem to notice. She looks so at peace in this house. I'm sure if I were to look close enough I could see memories dancing in her eyes.

I turn away because I realize I've been staring. I inform Mother that I am going to shower, and wander to find a bathroom. I reach the stairs and trip on my shoe lace.

Screeching. That's all I can hear. And all I can think of is how to shut it up. Flash backs start..

Me at 8 years old, I had been talking to Dobby about how I wanted to be a healer when I got older. I look up and see Father, he didn't have his happy face on. He lifts his wand and says, "This is for your own good." And shoots a cruciatus curse at me.

Another flashback... Me at 11. I'm home from school for Christmas.
Father was disappointed in me for being #2, behind Granger. Again he lifts his wand and says, "This is for your own good."

Another flashback. They've found Potter. Auntie Bella is torturing Granger. The screeching. It rings in my ears.

Then, silence. The echoing silence.

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