Chapter 24- The Hearing

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"What the hell..." I trail off.

The black and red hair whirl around as they hear me speak, "Oh... umm... Draco, hey. How's it going?" Blaise asks as he wipes his mouth.

"Weaselette? Really? You can do so much better," I criticize.

Weaselette pulls out a pocket mirror and reapplied her lip gloss, "You're one to talk, Malfoy. Even though," she studies me up and down, "you are a fine specimen of a man. Too bad you're an arse."

"Yes, well, at least I have an arse," I snide.

"A pretty fine one at that, Malfoy," Daphne chimes in, "it even looks amazing without clothes," she winks at me.

"Alright, enough about Malfoy's arse. We need to get going," Potter says as he strides down the stairs from the boys' dorms. He stops and studies me, "Why aren't you dressed up?"

I look at his emerald green dress shirt and pressed slacks, "Why do I need to dress up?"

"Malfoy, you're in a jumper and jeans."


"You need to make an impression," he scolds.

I scoff, "Fine, I'll just drag out my old Death Eater robes and mask. That ought to make an impression."

"Go. Change. Now." He annunciates each word.

"Yes, Mother," I drawl.

"I'll call Narcissa. I'm sure she'd love to hear about this."

"Oh, I'm scared now."


I swagger into the ministry with Potter, "What time does my hearing start?"

He checks his watch, "In about ten minutes, so stop strutting and hurry up."

We walk down the hallway to the court chambers in complete silence. I'm not sure what to say, but I feel the need to say something. So I say the first thing that comes to mind, "Who's going to be presenting my case?"

"I am," Potter states nonchalantly.

I stop abruptly, "What! Why? Do you have any experience in doing that?"

"No, but that's the only way I could get Kingsley to agree to give you another trial and not contain you."

"I'd much rather be contained," I sneer.

He stops and faces me, "What the hell, Malfoy. I do something to help you and you're a complete arse about it. You have a much better chance of winning if I present it." He sneers, "Trust me, I'm going to sugar coat the story much more than someone else would. So get yourself moving, so we're not late, or they won't even let the trial happen."

"Potter, my hero," I swoon.

We walk into the hall, and are met with the whole Wizengamot starring down at us. Kingsley Shacklebolt stands and greets us. We walk further into the chamber and I wait as Potter presents my case.

He tells the whole story of how I was forced to join the Death Eater's ranks to save my parents. How I was a scared sixteen year old, faced with death and didn't know any better. I scoff at that. He lies smoothly, but we both know I wanted to be a Death Eater until I realized I didn't have the stomach to hurt or kill people.

I wanted my father's life. I wanted the power, the money, the recognition. I was sure the Dark Lord would win, so it was a no brainier, but I wanted to be asked not told I was joining. I didn't want to be held at wand-point and told either take the mark or watch my family and friends be killed.

"He has changed, Mr. Shacklebolt," Potter pleads. "I have lived with him and his mother since the war. Not once has he tried to kill me. We've had many conversations about the war. I believe that he should be left alone and allowed to live his life. He's HeadBoy of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall believes in him, and she will not be denied."

"No, I will not," the grey haired witch states as she glides into the room.

Man, Potter's good.

"Thank you, Professor," Potter recites.


"After careful consideration, on behalf of Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy, you are sentenced to stay at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, pass your NEWTs, and then choose a field in the ministry so you can serve a form of community service until you are twenty-one. Once you have done those things, we will reevaluate your case. If you have done well we will allow you to choose a career outside of the ministry. Court dismissed."

I sigh, "That wasn't as awful as I thought it would be."

"Yes, well you were let off easy, Mr. Malfoy. Consider yourself lucky," McGonagall states.

"Thank you for coming, Professor," I reply curtly as I kiss her hand.

"It was no problem. I did not want to watch an innocent child get sent to the most awful place for something he could not control."

"I need to talk to Hermione," I whisper.

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