Chapter 29- Small Talk

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"So this ball is supposed to be quite the ordeal, don't you think?" Granger asks awkwardly as we sit in our common room.

I shrug my shoulders, "I suppose so."

She sighs, "The enchantments are going to take hours to cast into place. I mean, think about it, the spell that makes it so no one can recognize you. Or the one that changes everybody's voice. Not to mention how you'll suddenly forget what anybody else is wearing. That's insane." She glances over to me to see if I'm paying attention, "I think it'll be lovely. And a great way to talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to. It should accomplish its goal of house unity, that's for sure. What're your thoughts on it?"

I stare into the fire, "It's just another thing that I have to buy robes for and help plan."

"I told you that you don't..."

"Yes I do, I'm HeadBoy, it's my duty," I interrupt. "Besides, McGonagall has already given me enough free passes this year, I don't want, or need, anymore."

"You know she doesn't mind. That's what she's here for, to help her students get through the best way that she can," Granger insures.

I rake my hands through my hair, "I don't need her help. Nor do I want it. All I want is to get the hell out of this place and move on with my life! I couldn't care less about this stupid ball, or this stupid HeadBoy position anymore. I want to get out of this school, out of this country, out of any place that had anything to do with my parents! Quit trying to help me and just leave me the hell alone!"

She shoots daggers at me, "I will not! I am not going to just let you fall off the face of the earth! Believe it or not, Malfoy, but some people actually give a rat's arse about you!"

"Oh, and I suppose you're one of those people," I state with my voice dripping with a healthy mix of sarcasm and venom.

"As a matter of a fact I am, you plonker! Why do you think I've been so motivated to spend time with you this semester? Why do you think I talked Harry into giving you a chance? Believe it or not it wasn't to annoy you! I genuinely care for you," Granger rambles as she makes her way over and sits down on the love seat next to me.

I finally look into her eyes, and I feel mesmerized. They're a beautiful brown that I don't believe words could ever give justice to. Wait... no I can't think that. No no no.

"P-prove it," I stutter as I mentally smack myself for letting her have an effect on me.

She gives me a mischievous smile and leans in, "Fine, I will."

Suddenly, our lips collide. It's forced, and tense at first, and all I can think is what is she doing? After a few seconds, I finally relax into it. I lean into her and continue to kiss her with such force that it'll be a wonder if we don't bruise. I grab her hips and pull her onto my lap so she's straddling me. Then I remember...

I pull back suddenly, "Theo.."

"You know, out of all the weird things that have happened between us, you calling me a name of another guy perhaps tops them all," she plays.

I roll my eyes, "Aren't you two an item?"

She freezes and all the color drains from her face, "Well, yes and no."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

She runs her hands across the back of her neck, "Well, you see, we are an item, technically, but we are sort of in an- oh what did he call it- 'open relationship.'"

I lean back, "He really tricked you into that? Man, I never thought I'd see the day that Hermione Granger would willingly be in a relationship that wasn't exclusive."

"Oh, sod off, Mafoy," she states as she smacks my chest.

"Who says, if we were to get into a relationship, that I wouldn't want to be exclusive with you? I'm not much for having my girl being with more guys than just me," I state as I check my nails.

"Who says I'm going to agree to be anything with you? Maybe I just wanted to kiss you. It was quite strange. Not to mention the fact that nobody would ever approve," she reasons.

"Fine, well, I didn't want a relationship anyways," I state as I push her off my lap onto the floor, "I'm off to bed now, it's been a long day. I'll make sure to lock my door also, you know, so you can't pounce on my in my sleep."

And with that I sauntered up the stairs to my room to have another sleepless night.

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