Chapter 28- Gone

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She's gone.

Once I heard that news, nothing else mattered. I walk back into Hogwarts with two thoughts on my mind: food and revenge.

It still hasn't settled in my mind. I'll never see her again. I'll never get to hear her voice. I'll never get to watch her read. I never got the chance to make her proud. I never got the chance to let her hold her grandchild. She never got to watch me get married.

I make my way to the heads' dorm with my thoughts swimming with images of Mother. I feel numb. How could this happen? I'm only eighteen, how can I already have no parents? This wasn't supposed to happen until I'm old, and have children of my own.

Then it hits me, my children will never know her. They will never know how wonderful and caring she is. How calming her voice is and how she is the easiest person to talk to. She is the most understanding, and calm person I've ever known. They'll never know how incredibly fierce and independent she is. They'll never know how she's the nicest person, but if you make her mad, she'll blow up like a muggle atomic bomb. That kills me.

I suppose I shouldn't say she is, because she is no longer anything. She can no longer be fierce. She can no longer read her favorite books, or listen to me vent, or give me advise. I have never felt as alone as I do now, and I know the only person who can save me from this, is the person who caused this.

Except, she didn't cause this, Lucius did. Lucius attacked her. Lucius hurt her. Lucius killed her. And for that, he must pay. It's his fault my children will never know Mother. It's his fault I feel so alone. It's his fault I can never see Mother again.

When I reach the heads' dorm I'm shaking with anger. I walk in and am met with Granger running towards me.

I stick my hand out, "Don't. I don't want or need your pity. I just want to put down my bags and go to the Great Hall for supper."

"Draco..." Granger muttered.

"Just don't. I'm fine," I snap.

She shakes her head, "Fine, I guess I'll see you down there."

"Whatever," I acknowledge.

"Before I forget, there's a masquerade ball on Halloween that is mandatory for all forth through eighth years to attend. There's a flier over there that has all the details," Granger informs.

I glance back at her, "Fine, I'll check it over."

"By the way, if you need to..."

"I know."

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