Chapter 22- Plans, Teasing, and Questions

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"C'mon, Potter. It isn't that hard," I snap.

Potter and I are standing in the Room of Requirements trying to devise a plan to help me. And so far, he's useless. How did the Dark Lord not defeat him?

"I just don't understand how you plan on getting to the ministry in time for your hearing that was months ago."

"That's for you to find out later. The question was, do you understand the rest of the plan?"

"Yeah. It's simple. I testify for you. Tell them that you're a good bloke. You groom yourself properly, and all that jazz. Then they'll let you go. Bing-boom. Your free. But..."

"No but's, Potter. That's the plan," I snap.

He rolls his emerald orbs, "Just hear me out."

"Fine," I huff. "What is the problem?"

"You're not supposed to alter time. If we go back, do the trial, and you lose. Then how would you come to Hogwarts? You can't be at two places at one time," he says in a know-it-all tone that rivals Granger.

"Well, let's just hope I don't lose, yeah?"

"Or, I could send an owl to Kingsley, and set you up a new trial for Friday. Then we wouldn't be committing a felony."

"Except, they'd take me to the ministry until the trial, you dunce."

"Not if I told them not to."

"Merlin, Potter, you don't have that much power," I snap.

"Hey, don't snap at me, and I think you're seriously doubting the power I have over the ministry at this point."

"Fine, but if that doesn't work.."

"We'll use your plan," he interrupts.

I roll my eyes and pull out my cheat sheet for mine and Granger's twenty questions game. I have fifteen done so far, just five more to go. I just hope I don't get hauled off before we get to play.

"What's that?" Potter asks while peering over my shoulder.

"Nothing, Potter," I sneer.

"Are you writing a love note? Awe, who to?"

"No, it's a game for Granger. And from what I've heard, you're the one who should be writing love letters."

"What's that supposed to mean, Malfoy?" He snaps.

"Just means, Blaise told me that you have two girls that you're trying to get with. Who knew the Golden-Boy was a player? Man, Weaslette really messed you up," I tease as I read over my questions.

"I do not.. Okay maybe. But its not like I'd keep it going if I was for sure with one of them," he says defeatedly.

"Please, do tell who the unlucky girls are."

"They're not.. It's Luna and Astoria.." He trails off.

"Ah, the youngest Greengrass. From what I've heard, she's quite a handful, if you know what I mean," I wink.

"Oh, piss off, Malfoy."

I mock a surprised look, "You mean, ickle Potty didn't know? That one of his love interests has slept with almost every Slytherin in our year and hers? What a shame."

"Shut up, or I'll feed you to the wolves and let you get your ass dragged to Azkaban."

"Now, now, I will not be dragged. I will walk proudly, because I have some dignity."

"Ha! Don't make me laugh. Malfoy having dignity. We all know that hasn't been in tact for a while," Potter mocks.

"Sex jokes do not become you, Potter. You should really stick to what you're good at."

"And what would that be, Malfoy," he tries.

"Nothing!" I laugh.

"Why did I agree to this again?"

"Because you always feel the need to save everyone. Anyways, can you help me come up with five more questions about myself?"

"Ugh. Aren't I already helping you with enough? Why must I help you with this too?"

"Fine, don't. I'll do it myself."

"No, no. I wanna help," he pouts.

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