Dubai Pt 2/ The End...

317 22 10

Leah's POV
"I am shattered!" I yawned jumping inside the bed. I had so much fun and the food was to die for. Unfortunately, the time flew by and by the time I knew it, it was time to go.

"Your not the only one." Adam yawned switching the lamp off. "What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked. "Hmmm, I don't know." Adam said hugging the living daylights out of me. "Can't-Breathe."
"Oops, sorry." Adam said letting go and he rested his read on my shoulder.

"Mate shouldn't it be the other way round." I chuckled. "Nope, when you have a beautiful wife, like yourself, there's no need. Cara mia." (My darling). Adam said looking up and winking. "Oh wow." I laughed. "Check you out." I said. "Well, Italian has many romantic words which can get a girl whipped anytime, so I thought why not try."

"I like it." I said closing my eyelids. "Let's go see the Dubai fountains. Before we came I went on trip advisor and it's so good."

"Let's go then. Go to sleep now bella." (Beautiful). Adam said. Even though my eyes were closed I could so tell he was smirking.

"Adam get up! I can't wait to see the fountains. Get up! Get up!" I yelled jumping on the bed.

"Leah, you will be the death of me." Adam groaned getting out of bed. He looked at the time and his eyes dropped. "It's 8 in the morning!" Adam yelled. "And?" I asked waiting for him to carry on. "I'm tired. Please cagna let me sleep."

"Did you just call me a bitch?" I asked folding my arms. "No cagna." Adam said laying down.

"You said it again!" I yelled. "Go sleep. I can't believe you called me a bitch. This time I have a valid reason not to talk to you." I scoffed.
"I meant to say cara!" Adam said. I continued to ignore him. Right now we were on our way go see the famous fountains! "Please." Adam pleaded.

"Laqad wasalna." (We have arrived). The driver said in a deep voice. "Shukraan." (Thank you). I smiled. "Fi hadhih al'athna' aistikshaf su' nafsi." (In the meantime I'll explore myself). The driver said smiling back. "La eamh mushkilat muqabalati fi saeat wahida." (No problem uncle, meet me in an hour).

I got out of the car and went towards the fountains. "You know arabic aswell?" Adam asked catching up to me. "Yes." I said. "Leah."

"Fine but to be honest Adam Italian isn't cut out for you." I laughed.

"Yeah, I know. And we are here." Adam said pointing to the fountains. "Oh my God." I said my jaw dropped. The water was light aqua blue. And the fountains made a pattern. It was breathtaking. It looked so amazing. The fountains went up then down, as if it was dancing and after the process was done it went up all together.

 The fountains went up then down, as if it was dancing and after the process was done it went up all together

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