With all things good there is something bad

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45 minutes later and my mum has successfully given birth, a beautiful baby girl which she hadn’t given a name, but lets be fair she has just given birth. My brother hadn’t turned up, but he was a wimp sometimes and my dad had been on the phone to me but now I couldn’t get hold of him again, I just assumed he was on a flight back to see mum and his new born daughter.

“Mum can Dougie come in?” I asked as she held the baby in her arms. “I mean after all he did drive you here, you could let him have a sneak.”

She nodded blissfully as she stared at the girl cradled in her arms. So peaceful, so sweet.

I left the labour room and went to the waiting room where Dougie sat, “Well?” He asked as soon as he saw me. “Is she here yet?”

I nodded, “Awh, she’s beautiful. Mum said you can come and have a look if you wish.”

He nodded and followed me to my mum’s room. Mum handed me the baby and Dougie looked in and smiled, I smiled too, first time I’d held her and she was amazing. She had bright green eyes and dark hair.

“She’s gorgeous,” I said simply as I looked at her happily. “Oh mum.”

Mum smiled when I looked at her, “She’s just like you when you were born. Silent and content.”

I nodded, “Not like that no more.”

Mum laughed, “Very true.”

Suddenly my mum went funny, the nurses and midwifes ushered me and Dougie out after they took the baby from me and I was suddenly left out the room and my mum in pain in there alone. I looked at Dougie, “What’s happening?”

He shrugged, “I dunno, she’ll be fine Heavenly.”

I glared at him, “Just go Dougie! Please go and find Zeke.”

Dougie shook his head, “I’m staying with you. We’ve left him messages!”

I sat down on the chair and put my head in my hands. It seemed like an eternity as I sat there before a doctor came to us, “Miss Valentine?”

I looked up, “Yes, is my mum okay?” I asked hopefully.

“I’m so sorry,” he said quietly, “We did all we could do.”

I felt Dougie’s arm’s around me as I broke down in tears into his shirt, my mum, gone? She’d just given birth… this couldn’t be happening to me? Why me?

I turned back to the doctor, still in tears and pain, “Can I see her?” I asked simply.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, you are obviously hurting right now,” he said.

I stood up, “I’d like to see my mum please.”

He gestured towards the door as I walked towards it, I gulped as I got to the closed door, I pushed away the falling tears before entering the same room she’d just given birth in. She lay on the bed, she looked so peaceful, like in a sleep.

I breathed heavily as tears rushed back to my eyes, I slowly walked to her and pushed the hair from her eyes, she’d have hated hair in her eyes, she simply hated looking a mess. I kissed her forehead, “I promise I’ll look after her, I’ll look after your baby, she’ll always know who you are.”

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