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My very calm expression soon changed but I slowly diverted my eyes away to make it less obvious before I turned completely and then gathered all my stuff. I stood up but before I could even put my hands on the buggy I was grabbed around the wrist. 

"What are you doing?" I snapped as I shook my hand from his grip. 


"I think you must have me mistaken for someone else." I lied as I looked away from him. 

He looked into the buggy at Mollie, "Well even if you aren't Heavenly, which I know one hundred percent you are, I know that is Mollie."

"Whatever!" I snapped as I put all the stuff from my hands into the top of the buggy. "What are you going to do about it?" 

"I'm going to take you home!" 

I gave a little chuckle, "I don't want to go home, don't you get it, I don't want to be there, I don't want to see my family and I don't wanna see you!"

He looked angrily at me "Sit down Heavenly!" 

I quickly sat back down in the booth, it's rare he's angry but it scared me when he was. I quickly pulled the pram towards me, I didn't want to let her go. 

"The red hair? What are you doing?"

I sighed, "Dougie," there I'd said his name, I didn't want to, but I had. "I don't want to go with my dad, I don't want for Mollie to go into care! Don't you understand, this is the only way I can be with her. What about my mum? All that hard work for nothing? You don't want for Mollie to know who her family is, that her mum died so she could live?"

"You should come back home, you don't have to go with your dad?"

I grumbled, "I ain't going to have much choice now am I? I mean you are going to cart me off. I probably won't have to go with my dad if I'm lucky because I'm probably going to be arrested for kidnap." I gave him a small smile, "How is Zeke?"

"He's stressed, upset, angry, worried, everything a brother should be. He misses you. He needs to know you are safe." Dougie was calm now. 

"I suppose you better get this over and done with, you are going to any way." I looked down at Mollie who was sound asleep in her pram. 

"I'm sorry," he sighed as he pulled his mobile from his pocket. 

I shrugged, "I'm not."

Two whole minutes of awkwardness passed before they shop was swarmed with police and social workers.  A social worker scooped Mollie into her arms and checked her over. She looked surprised to see Mollie was clean and well looked after.

"Come with us," a police woman said to me as she pulled me by the arm out of the cafe. As she led me to her car, I passed Zeke who looked disappointed. I was disappointed too, disappointed that someone had caught up with me.

I sat in the back of her car and she was soon joined by another officer. They drove to the police station where I had to be questioned. I needed an adult present, but I knew my dad would be too busy, Zeke would be too angry, so I made the phone call to Dougie.

"Please come to the station." I begged.


"I need an adult."

"I'll send Zeke."

"No please. I mean I need to speak to him later. I think he's a little angry right now. Please."

"He's not angry. Honestly Heavenly, he will come down to the station and sit with you during your interview. I'll come to the station with him. I'll keep him in line, make sure he don't get angry."

I sighed, "Honestly, you have been there when we are both angry. I don't think you'd be much of a help. I can deal with that, I just can't deal with him questions. Look whatever, I've gotta go."

I put the phone down and went back to my temporary cell to wait.

Half an hour later I was going to be questioned. I entered the room and saw Zeke, I ran over and hugged him, he hugged me back which I was happy about. Then the police officers walked in and the questions were about to start.

If it's wrong to fall in love with my brother's best friend... too late...Where stories live. Discover now