The end

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I looked out the window, both cars had gone, hoefully that is kind of a good sign, I mean that both cars are gone, so they are both driving? Yeah? I don't know any more. 

I tried to ring Zeke again but straight to voicemail. 

Men, why did his phone have to be off?

I pulled a jacket from the hooks and then grabbed my keys before leaving the house. I walked down the road, almost blindly. I wasn't watching no one else, just looking for either car. Right now I could talk to either to know that they were both okay. I mean I still love Dougie after every thing. Thinking about him makes my stomach do them little somersaults. Crazy, I know. 

I stepped off the path and on to the road, then BAM!

"Heavenly..." a small voice whispered. "Heavenly."

I flickered my eyes open, there was my brother. He was a mess. His face was scarred and bruised. I gasped seeing him like this, this is not how I know him, he is the tough man. 

"What happened to you?" I whispered as I looked at him more. 

Zeke rolled his eyes, "What happened to you?" 

I looked down at myself, in a hospital bed, in a gown, what happened to me?

"Heaven, you was hit by a car. You just walked out."

I raised an eyebrow, "Where was you? I was worried. Where is Dougie?"

Zeke sighed, "Lets just think about you. You've been asleep for near 2 days."

I sunk back into the pillow behind me, "Two days? The driver must have hit me good."

"It's not funny Heaven, you nearly died." Zeke looked a little mad, but I could also see guilt. "I shouldn't have gone after Dougie. I should have stayed with you."

"It's not your fault."

Suddenly the door opened and a doctor walked in, "Miss Valentine, would it be possible to have a quiet word alone?"

I looked at my brother, "Please."

He nodded and left the room leaving me with the doctor, Dr Klum.

"Miss Valentine, there was nothing wrong with you after the crash, in fact you didn't even break a bone, just a bit of a bump to the head. But we need to just keep you in tonight for obs." 

I sighed. 

"Also, did you know you were pregnant?"

I gasped, "Pregnant? I can't be!" 

The doctor looked shocked, "I thought you would have known, you were almost 5 months gone."

"5 months?" I questioned. 

The doctor sat on the chair in my room, "Unfortuantly for the baby it took the damage and died. we had to remove it via cesarean, so you do have a nasty scar."

I lifted my top, there was a disgusting scar. I quickly pulled my top back down and groaned. "What now?"

The doctor stood back up and gave me a fake weak smile, "You try to get on with your life."

That doctor was right. All I could do was try to move on. A week later though and I was out of hospital, I'd secretly made plans for the funeral. I hadn't told no one, not even Zeke. I couldn't. 

Today was a Thursday and today was the funeral day. I was going to the church where the coffin already was. I brought a little white one for the little baby, it would have been a boy. But since I didn't know, the baby was simply baby Valentine. 

I arrived at the church alone by taxi. I walked into the church and sat alone on a pew. A paulbearer carried the coffin and rised to my feet in tears. Although I didn't know I was pregnant this little baby needed some one to know it was once there. 

The service was quick, I couldn't have the baby cremated, so burial it was. I watched at the coffin was lowered into the ground. It was scary, too real for me. 

I thanked the vicar and left the church. I decided to walk home, it was cool outside and I needed to keep cool. 

I walked down the road and suddenly "Heavenly..."

I looked up at Dougie. 

"Have you been crying?"

I gave him a cold hard stare, "What do you want?"

"I am sorry you know that."

I tilted my head pushing my hair from my eyes, "Are you? Are you truly sorry?" I gave a cold laugh, "I don't care about you right now. You have hurt me in ways unimagineable and you deserve everything you got and will get!"

"Are you threatening me?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. I don't know about anything any more. Funny isn't it?" 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I've done my crying but not over you. I suppose you must know." I sighed, "Today I buried our child."

"What do you mean? Is that a joke?"

I shrugged, "Is it?" I grumbled, "See for yourself." I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "See you around Dougie."

"This isn't the end? You can't just walk away from me?"

I laughed coudly, "I can't just walk away." I smirked, "Guess what I will, you can do what you want with your life. Be with who you want to be with. You have tainted my teenage years and I can't deal with no more hurt. I'm kind of glad I buried our baby today."

"What? Why would you say that?"

I smiled, "So I wouldn't have to live with a constant reminder of you."

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