chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Julie! Julie wake up!" The sound of Jordan's voice booms in my ear.

"NO! Leave me be!" I reply groggily.

"Oh c'mon!" She pauses then starts again, "Your mom made food"

And that's when I bolted out the door cause I was starving! Jordan came laughing behind me.

I looked around my big kitchen and I see no food! NONE! Jordan's still laughing all because she fricken tricked me.

"Your gonna pay for that!" I narrowed my eyes at her and her laugh died down.

"Oh c'mon you had to get up its 1:00 in the afternoon! You had to get up sooner or later!?"

"Ya later would've been my option" I roll my eyes at her.

Jordan and I both sit on my couch on our phones obviously onTwitter. I tell all my followers the stupid thing Jordan did to me this morning. Most of them just laughed or they retweeted it. If Jordan hadn't woken me up this morning I could be sleeping, dreaming of Niall Horan. Like seriously... Who would interrupt those kind if dreams?!? Of course she can't see them.. But still.. She shouldn't have woke me!

I also tweet some quotes I found, some updates on One Direction, you know the usual. At first the reason I got a twitter was to follow all of my my favorite celebs and see what they're up to.. Aka stalk One Direction..... What? It's not like we all don't do it!?!! But now I base it on life quotes, me, and One Direction.


Hey bubble butts(: sorry if its short or sucked. I already know who is reading this😏😂 anywho hope you liked it!

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