Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Julie's POV

Charlotte told me everything last night, I feel really bad cause Harry did seem like he was just using her but i knew the way he looked at her from that first Skype call. She was head over heals for him. And I'm sure he was just as high.

Niall and Charlotte were sleeping. I went to check on Charlotte to see if she was alright, when I walked into her room I saw her tear stained face. I feel terrible for the spontaneous, crazy girl that I love so much. She's been through a bit. Harry using her then hooking up with a girl right after their fight.

Harry's POV

Ughhh I sat up in my bed with the biggest head ache! I looked over my shoulder and find a girl... Not Charlotte, a girl I do not know. SHIT! What have I done! I put my head in my hands realizing what a fuck up I am. It's okay I just won't tell Charlotte and she won't know and she'll forgive me! Problem solved! The girl woke up and immediately started kissing my shoulder up to my neck. I quickly got up by the dresser putting clothes on just wanting her to leave.

"We had fun didn't we Harry." She smirks.

"What's your name again? And no.." I say with no emotion in my voice.

"We'll then! And my name is Brittany! I'm a huge fan by the way.." She winks.

"Can you leave? Your irritating the crap out of me by your nasally voice." I roll my eyes completely annoyed. How did I end up with her? Oh yeah I was drunk. I guess I tend to pick up slutty, annoyingly voiced girls. I wish that was Charlotte in bed with me. Just us cuddling sneaking a few kisses now then.

"Wow your more sassy than Louis!" She walks to grab her clothes and goes in the bathroom to change. She did not just sass my Boobear! I mentally snap my fingers and pout my lips.

"I'm sorry but you don't know Louis so I don't think you should be talking!" I sass back. Wow... I've been around Louis too much.

"Ugh I'm leaving.." She walks out the door and I'm thankful she's gone! BE GONE SATIIIN!!! I immediately fix my disheveled curls, and ran to my car driving to Charlottes apartment hoping she's there to apologize.

I arrive at Charlottes and burst through the door calling her name multiple times but it just echoes through her apartment. Damn it she's not here! Where else could she be? I sit down on her little couch thinking where she could be, sitting here brings back so many adorable memories about her. When we had a pillow fight and when we would just sit on the couch and cuddle enjoying each other. We would sometimes just stare at each other cause we loved each others facial features. I finally thought of where she could be.... Julie's. she has to be there.

I hop into my black range rover and drive as fast as I can to Julie's apartment. I go up the lift trying to hurry as fast as I can, right when the lift doors open Charlotte walks in until she realizes I'm on it. She turns around and walks out but I grab her arm and pull her back in letting the doors close so she can't escape.

"Let go!" She yells. Her voice is so sweet and gentle, I've never heard her yell before our fight.

"Charlotte I wanted to apologize! I'm sorry if it may have seemed I used you but I didn't!" I say trying to have her forgive me.

"Oh really if you didn't use me, you wouldn't have done it with that girl that was at your house last night." She looks down, a tear escaping her beautiful green blue eyes.

"W-wha... How?" I ask wondering how she found out.

"I went to your house to apologize cause I didn't want to lose you, but when I walked up to your door I heard..... Her.." She quivers at the thought.

"Charlotte I can explai-"

"But now you just lied to me, I have the feeling that you were never going to tell me the truth that you slept with another girl, but hey I guess it doesn't matter cause were not a couple! Just friends with benefits! Or I'm just your rebound but apparently you already have many rebounds I bet!" At this point she's crying... A lot.

"Charlotte I was drunk I don't even remember what happened last night! She was annoying and I just wished it was you! I went to the pub to have a few drinks to get my mind off of... Off of you and she just started grinding and I just dragged her there I guess but I don't remember anything! It didn't even mean anything to me Charlotte!" I am almost at the point of yelling.

"Then why did you do it!" She yells.

"Cause I needed to get my mind off you! You never leave my mind! I can't stop thinking of the way your wavy hair hits your mid back and your eyes! Oh those eyes, I could stare at them for days! You don't know what you do to me Charlotte!" I paused until something I've always wanted to tell her came out of my mouth. "CHARLOTTE I LOVE YOU!" Then I smashed my lips into hers forcefully with so much passion and lust and definitely love.

She started kissing me back and that's when I knew.. She was the one...


Hey bubble butts! I just wanted to say thank you so much for over 100 reads! You guys are amaZAYN! See what I did there?... No.. Okay....

Anywhore here's a chapter sort of fixing the problem. Next chapter will be big too so beware! Love you so much! And go read Harrehpleaaasee25 story! Almost Like Fate! It's brilLIAM! How bout that one?.. No again?... Ok...

Love you!



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