Chapter 4

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After everything that happened yesterday, all the screaming and crying and fan girling. Me and all the girls feel asleep from that long day yesterday! *note my sarcasm* Unfortenoutly, I was the first one to wake up...yay... So I decided to do what Jordan did to me yesterday.

I went to the kitchen and made ONE pancake! Just one as in it was only for me! Hehe! Since Jordan just told me my mom cooked food and there was nothing I will have the smell of my delicious pancake fill there noses!

As I was done cooking the pancake I buttered it and topped it off with maple syrup and trust me I just wanted to eat right then and there! But I couldn't..... Yet...*smirks evishly while walking to my room* I quietly came through the door and put the plate with that single pancake underneath all if there noses! You should've seen it they all looked like zombies coming back from the dead! You know how in movies when they're like slowly rising up out if there grave but this time they're rising off of there sleeping bags.

"Guys food is ready." I gently whisper yet loud enough for then to hear. I have a feeling Jordan's going to wake up first since she's still in her zombie position but her eyes are closed. So I keep telling them to wake up and that there's a feast of breakfast out in the kitchen. As I was walking back to the kitchen ready to eat my pancake Jordan, Charlotte, then Faye all come running through the kitchen wide eyed!

"WHERE'S THE FOOD?!" Jordan yells.

"Oh you mean this little pancake with butter and maple syrup on it, right in front if me? Oh then it's right here but not fo you!" I smirk on how devilish my payback was.

"You didn't make any for us?!?" Faye yells.

"Nope. Paybacks a bitch huh Jordan?"

"Go kiss a llama." She growls.

After laughing at the trick I played, I go on Twitter to see a new notification. Hmm wonder what it is. I take a look and literally drop to the floor screaming.

"Julie?!?! What happened?! Seriously you need to stop screaming in me I have the ambulance on speed dial!" Jordan says.

I still can't believe my eyes! "Niall Horan replied to me on Twitter." I said trying to calm myself down.

"He didn't..." Charlotte says, obviously not believing everything she's hearing. I bet if you were talking a bout a hair style and you say the word hair or style.. She will literally say and I quote, "WHAT I HEARD HARRY STYLES WHAT?!?" Seriously she can lose it.

Anywhore back to where I'm freaking out about Niall replying to me, my three bestfriends are standing in front if me... Not believing anything they're hearing.

"What did he reply to?!?" Faye asks.

"He replied to my last tweet yesterday when I said thanks for. Following me my life is complete can't wait to go to the premiere. And he replied saying, 'not a problem, I'm excited too. xx"

"Wait... I'm excited too? Is he going to the premiere?!?!" Jordan freaks.

Oh my god... He actually could possibly be going since he said I'm excited too!? Right? Who would say that if they weren't going plus I heard they were surprising fans in LA at the premiere! Wow I'm getting my hopes up. Then my phone buzzes again with another Twitter notification.

"Maybe I can see you there! Hey you should DM me ur Skype! You seem like a cool gurl! xx"

That's when I lost it... I passed out. But so many questions ran through my mind. Why reply to me? Why want my Skype? Hell, why me?


Hey bubble butts! Another update! Wow 3 updates in one night! Sorry I'm too excited!




Love you!

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