chapter 8

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Hey bubble butts! thanks for putting up with my story! i know it kind of sucks and its such a cliche story, like oh this alwasy happens! blah blah blah! well sorry its not the story u wished for but hey its just something to get ur feel up;) hahh jk but thanks guys! heres chapter 8!

Julies POV

So Niall is taking me out on a date tonight. Its 5:30  so i have two and a half hours to get ready. I'm not going to dress fancy but just a casual fancy, like skirts or dresses and shit like that.

I hopped in the shower, did my normal routine, washed my hair and body, shaved, got out and picked an outfit. I picked a floral dress that stops right above the knee. Its something you would wear in spring but hey, im just a season early! oh well who cares! I put on my underwear and bra then skipped into my bathroom to blow dry my hair. Once it was dried straight i started to curl it. i put some light natural eyeshadow with some mascara on and went out of the bathroom to put my dress on with my white laced Toms. Its 7:50 i have ten minutes to just sit down and watch tv.

Tarzan was on! awww im at the part where Kerjac (sorry dont know how to spell his name:P) died. aww great i get to cry before my date to-. i was cut off by my door opening.

Niall walks in looking very cute and smexy may i add. Hes wearing slacks and a white button up shirt with his white supras.

"You're looking quite springy Julie." he tells me.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Nope cause you look beautiful!" I look down blushing.

"Shall we go?" i ask

"Ya" we get in his black range rover and he drives to wherever the heck were going.

"Can you pleas tell me where we're going?" i beg

"Nope thats for me to know and you to find out." he smirks

i puff out in annoyance and start pouting. "You look cute when you pout"  i glare at him and he just smiles.

We finally arrive at the restaurant, what it seems to be, on top of a beautiful lake! i can't believe my eyes... the moon is shining perfectly above the lake, reflecting off of it. All you see are trees, and the restaurant. It was a place i could just stop and stare at all night! We enter the nice restaurant and walk up to the hostess.

"Horan" he states

The hostess leads us to our booth and hands us our menus. Our waitress comes walking over, "Hello welcome to Jay's Diner (A/N dont know if thats a place or not) what can i start you off for drinks." Shes been looking at Niall the whole time once he said his drink she walks away! "Excuse me last time i checked i was a human being!" she rolled her eyes and came back over. "What?" Jeese what crawled up her butt! "Yes  i'll have a shirley temple." i give her a fake innocent smile and she walks away.  

"Someone needs to lose the tude.." Niall starts laughing.

"Someones jealous!"

"Have you seen her? she was literally undressing you with her eyes! You're so oblivious to things i swear!" He just starts laughing again.

Once we ordered our food and payed the bill, well Niall did but I argued with him to insist on me paying, but he said no and payed it anyway..... popstars

We exit the lovely restaurant and Niall hands me extra clothes. "Why are you giving me clothes?"

"We're going paintballing with the boys and your girlfriends!" he smiles.

"A heads up would've been nice." i roll my eyes.

We all are at the paintball place and in our teams. Me and Niall, Jordan and Louis, Charlotte and Harry, and Liam, Faye and Zayn. The buzzer rang which meant it was starting so we head off in different directions.Apparently everyone was hiding behind rocks and tanks........ babies.

Charlottes POV

Me and Harry go and hide behind a tank, we wait there till we see any movement. its sort of hard in the dark cause you cant see anything. "Hey Charlotte?"

"Ya? wats up?"

"Do you.... fancy me?" he asks. Should i say yes? or just kiss the hell out of him?.... i go with option 2. I crash my lips onto his and he starts kissing back. At first it was a gentle loving kiss. Until he started asking for entrance. I denied, teasing him until he squeezed my butt which made me gasp. That was his oppurtunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. We had a makeout session until Zayn came up and was like 'eww' and shot both of us but we didnt care, we just kept making out. Man he was a good kisser!

Louis POV

Okay so im with Jordan and man, she can aim. She shot Liam and Faye right when she saw them, but they didnt care we were walking away and they started making out. YA GET SOME LIAM! hahaha.

"Hey do you want to just leave?'' i whispered in her ear.

"Why? This is fun! we are winning!" she smirks evily, until our eyes met. We just stared at eachother intently. Her brown eyes were crazy! She says they look like poop but they look like chocolate swirls of ice cream! i must be hungry. We both started leaning in, until our lips met. Her lips were so gentle, the kiss started to get heated when our tongues were fighting for dominance. I won obviously im tht good of a kisser. (sorry i had to put that in there.. okay back to the story) When wew were done making out we left we didnt care. We just enjoyed eachothers presence.

Fayes POV

I love Liam........ did i just say that? No.... we only kissed a couple times and hung out! how can i love him!?.... i guess im on my period..... nope just ended that... Im in love with Liam james Payne.

Julies POV

Me and Niall gave up on the game, so we just layed on the ground looking at the stars. At the corner of my eye I noticed him staring.

"What?" i ask

"You're just perfect! Your eyes, smile, hair, laugh, everything! i just, just, i love you!" woah he did not just say that...... do i love him too? yes, no, i dont know. i dont think im falling just yet.

"Well i really really really really really like you... sorry i just dont think im ready to be in love just yet." I looked down hoping not to crush him.

"Its fine love, i just wantd to let you know that i love you!" he kisses me on the nose, lingering for a bit.

I think i may be falling for him....


Hey bubble butts! heres another chapter! thank you so much! had a little writers block but i got through it! thank you so much!

love you!



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