Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to book 5! As I said earlier at the end of book 4, it's hard for me to write chapters as I am in my LAST semester of college. I have about a month left which means a final push on my final project and final paper. Once these are done at the end of April, I'm literally as free as a bird! 

But back to our story. I have had a hard time writing this story for a few reasons. 1) Introducing yet more characters. 2) Trying to get into the mind of Thanos when we have virtually nOTHING MCU wise to base his character off of and 3) Honestly trying to keep the story compelling and moving as we wind down with the final pieces of Loki and Sigyn's story. I'm not sure how many chapters I want for this book, it may be 15 but I am not set on that yet. However, the final book will have only 10 chapters as the final portion of that story can come to an end. 

I'll share on my coming projects soon, but for now, sit back relax and dive back into the world of Desolate Beauty... 

"For Odin's sake Eir, get this infernal thing off of ME!"

On any other day, the healer would have snapped back at Loki for his rude comments, but as this had become a daily occurrence and she had lost any will to fight him on the matter. With each passing moment she dwelled by his bedside, the more irrational he became. Lest she become one of his latest victims, it was in her best interest to work hastily. She muttered under her breath and removed the IV and the bandages around his torso.

It had now been two months since he had returned to Asgard. Two months that Sigyn had been trapped with Thanos. At last, he was well enough to return to the Titan's domain and return her safely to Asgard. Loki was more than ready to do this alone – alone was all that he had now. He had scarcely seen Thor let alone Jane as they had been married two weeks ago. His... brother had thought it best to avoid him after he had, at last, married Jane.

Indeed it was.

Upon Loki's return, the All-Father had pushed for the wedding to take place, allowing some rumors to spread that Lady Sigyn had stayed behind on Midgard and that Loki was back to his usual ways as they had not been present at the wedding. Loki's heart grew cold with contempt, wishing to push an icy dagger through the "King's" chest. How dare he throw Sigyn's name to the wind? If she were dead, the All-Father might as well have spit on her grave. The younger prince was disgusted by Asgard's King - Odin was not worthy to rule over this kingdom of halfwits. 

Eir finished just as fast as she could, but the Prince was still fuming at the amount of time it took. 

"Where is Thor?" Loki snapped before she left.

"I believe he is in the sparring area of the palace grounds." Eir replied, leaving shortly after that.

Closing his eyes the moment he was alone, he muttered a simple spell and was instantly dressed in his traditional Asgardian garbs, except he was adorned in gold and his sword and daggers were attached to his side. Not taking even one moment to admire himself in the mirror, he made turned to the door with a gleam in his eye. His strides were long and determined as he made his way to the sparring area.

The sound of metal on metal echoed through the hallways as he walked, urging him to walk faster. When he arrived, he could clearly see Sif and Hogun standing off to the side, watching Thor and Volstagg spar. It was strange for him not to hear Fandral's voice jeering them on, but the warrior still had about three months left to fulfill his end of the agreement he had with the Goddess, Vár. Loki would rue the day the chatty, charming, swordsman returned.

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