Chapter 14

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A/N: So remember last chapter when I said I saw said guy and we kinda reconnected? Well, having already planning to go to SDCC (which was AMAZING this year), he was relocated to California which meant I could fly out earlier and go see him. Needless to say, he's a wonderful kisser and just down right adorable. That being said, after a misunderstanding, we're not on speaking terms at the moment. It's been almost a month and I miss him more than I can express in words. 

That being said, sorry if the writing has been slow or feels whiny - it's how I've been feeling. I've been feeling alone lately - as many of my friends hated that I took time out of my schedule to see him and felt as if he didn't deserve to see me. I've been diving into books and bing watching tv shows but to be honest I feel completely and utterly alone. I feel a bit dumb too, but I also know you can't help who your heart wants. 

I miss everything about you. Can't believe that I still want you. After all the things we've been through, I miss everything about you...

Without further delay, here's an emotionally jarring chapter 14. 

In the month since their return, Asgard seemed to be at more at odds with one another than ever before.

Upon their return, much of Asgard was relieved – as they feared their King had abandoned them and left Asgard for the taking. The rest of Asgard was upset by the King's return as they had hoped for the return of Thor to the throne.

As the state of Asgard was in the balance, Sigyn hardly saw Loki anymore. She would awake to find a note on his pillow or to find him slipping out just as she woke up. They had some meals together – whether it was breakfast or dinner – and she would always wait up for him until he returned or she fell asleep.

Unfortunately as of late, she had been sleeping a lot. Her body was constantly exhausted and she felt drained after a simple day that consisted of reading. So much so that the nights she had been promised to spend with Loki were short lived as she soon passed out after a quick affair between the sheets.

One morning, which was unlike the others, Sigyn jumped out of bed and clutched her stomach. She dashed for the washroom only to empty the contents of her stomach. She heaved for several minutes before Loki came in to hold her hair back and help her clean up. He put aside his duties, insisting that they see Lady Eir at once.

"You should be meeting with the council, not waiting over test results." The blonde said quietly as she laid in the stasis chamber of the medical bay.

"They will do fine without me darling, I am more concerned with you than the trivial conversations we have. They wish for change but dare not make any choice that is too brash for they fear backlash. It as if I am surrounded by morons who do not understand that sometimes choices must be made for the good of everyone."

Sigyn shook her head and placed her hand on his. "Then show them. Do not force your ideas upon them for they are sure to push back."

"My Queen, your test results are here." Lady Eir said as she walked over to the pair with a clipboard. Sigyn sat up on the bed, eager to hear what the healer had to say.

"What news do you have my Lady?" Loki replied, though he suspected he knew already.

"My Queen, by some miracle, you are with child – again."

Sigyn's face was frozen in confusion. She stared at Eir as if she had not heard her correctly. Was not this the same healer who said she would never bare another child?

"In fact my Queen, there are signs that there are two life forms within you."

"Twins?" Loki uttered, squeezing Sigyn's hand as if to seek a response from her. Lady Eir nodded in reply to his question.

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