Chapter 18

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A/N: So thoughts on last chapter? Right main thought: Gotta love Logyn make-up sex ;) 

You'll notice that as far as time is concerned in our story, we're jumping forward a lot - lots of blanks in our story as far as their everyday life. I may at one time go back and write one-shots to fill these days in but for now, we'll leave them to your imagination. 

From here on out, the time jumps are minimal, only a few days or maybe even a week jump. At least till our next book. Sigyn's starting to get a bittttt uncomfortable carrying twins - I mean wouldn't you?? Feel free to share your thoughts and headcanons as we go along in the comments!! I love reading them and sometimes it helps me think through something I want to do in the future. As always, enjoy chapter 18 :) 

In the last month, so much had changed.

Sigyn was hardly able to move as she was now due within the next few weeks; she was also finding it increasingly difficult to do much other than walk to the throne room and back. Everything hurt and ached and she half considered asking Loki to make her go into labor using magic, but she thought against it as she knew just how stressed he was about the arrival of his sons.

The kingdom was finally beginning to return to normal, with the exception that travel between the realms had been limited as to prevent any outside attacks while Asgard was in its weakened state. Many of the towns and the palace were nearing finish with repair and Sigyn's efforts to hear the people out seemed to be helping with some of the tensions.

When she had first begun, many of the grievances were for more supplies or for questioning the council – now many of the complaints were about land titles, shops that had been abandoned and over all issues with money. Many days were filled with her making peace between people as they too tried to return to some sort of normalcy to their lives.

Loki had also changed in the last month and as much as the maiden wanted to believe it was from the fear of the unknown and the stress of his unborn children, she knew it wasn't. He spent many nights on his own before returning to their room. "Researching" Or "In the library" Were the only things he would say on the matter, which is why she finally decided to pry.

"How are you feeling tonight my love?" Loki shifted his arm under Sigyn while adjusting her pillows and furs as well to ensure that she would get a good night's rest. Everything ached and unlike in prior months, they were not from the King.

"Sore, and wishing these two would just come out already."

"All in good time, no need to rush." Loki kissed her belly and then the side of her temple.

"And why not? Its not as if we are not prepared – we have everything for them..."

"Yes, we do. But I'm being a bit selfish I suppose. When they're here, I'll have to share you." His lips kissed her cheek again as he brushed some hair out of her eyes. "What's on your mind darling? I can see it spinning with questions."

Sigyn's hands fidgeted with the edge of her favorite green blanket. She so desperately wanted to ask him what had happened when he had left her behind on Midgard, but part of her suspected it would only upset her.

"It's nothing – just thinking about our sons."

The King's face turned sour as he could tell when she was hiding something from him, which made it even more frustrating for him to lie next to her at night.

The two lay silent once again next to each another in the bed; Sigyn wrapping herself up in blankets and furs as Loki's arms came around her midsection. His touch felt alien to her, as if he wasn't truly her Loki. Truth be told, he hadn't been the Loki she had fallen in love with in many months.

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