Chapter 5

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A/N: I apologize for the late update. The truth is, between work and some personal problems, I've had little drive in writing lately. I still plan on finishing the series; don't worry about that. However, it's hard to find inspiration for a story about two people who are right for one another and love each other when you're own love life took a quick and drastic tale spin. My newest book that I'm working on will highlight that. Anyway, chapter 5 starts moving our story along and I can't wait to get into the meat of this book!! I'm sure this will become a fan favorite pretty fast, so sit back, cry, squeal and giggle over chapter 5. 

The wind blew in from the balcony into her room and for once she could say it was silent.

Eir had left her to dress herself and said she would send a guard with food later, as she was still weak and should remain in bed for some time. Eméra had made the bed while Eir had helped her wash and had even laid out a book for her to read. Sigyn had almost forgotten what it was like to do nothing as often in her dreams, she was pushed from one thing to another.

If this were another dream, then it was unusual and not like the others, which meant it could have an even more abrupt ending than the ones she had endured so far. It was because of this that she was on edge, finding the whistling of the wind to be disturbing to her as it smacked the curtains against the wall.

Lying against the pillows, she attempted to read, but her mind wandered to hundreds of different places. It was when she heard a small knock on the door that she sat straight up and grabbed the closest thing to her – the book – and prepared to throw it should the need to defend herself arise.

"Sigyn? I brought you your lunch. Lady Eir said –"

As the figure came into the room, her eyes grew big as she slung the book in his direction, nailing the wall above his head when he ducked. The tray hardly moved as he stared at her and watched her shrink in fear. It was hard for him to see her like this, timid, worried, and a bit hostile. The maiden's figure cowered as he walked closer, not saying a word. He set the food down at the table near the fireplace and walked towards the balcony.

"If you need anything, I'll be in the garden." Loki replied in a soft almost dead voice.

From the corner of his eye, he saw her flinch and realized that she was worried about the retaliation that Thanos would probably have unleashed upon her were she still in her illusion world. It was torturous to watch her go through this process. Patience was never one of his stronger characteristics but for her sake, he had to try.

Walking down the stairs to the garden, he began to read under their spot by the trees. How many afternoons had they spent reading, cuddling, and talking about life in that very garden, under that very tree? He wished they could go back to that time and forget everything that had happened since she was taken to Midgard. His mind was muddled, the words running together on the pages as he just wished she would remember and that they could move on with their lives. How he wished he hadn't been so cruel before she went to Midgard. How he wished he had gone about things differently. Everything always looks better in hindsight. 

Hours must have passed, the only indication of this being the sun moving across the sky and was nearly behind the Asgardian Mountains.


The voice would have startled him if had not been so in tune with her every move and had seen her coming down the stairs several minutes before. He had watched her moving towards him, mostly watching him to see his reaction to things around him.

Desolate Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 5}Where stories live. Discover now