Chapter 3

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A/N: First off updates: I OFFICIALLY have a job as a teacher now - yay!!!!!! And I've been off lately because exciting things have been happening in my life. However, I miss writing and I know some of you are DYING for me to finish this stupid series. Also, it's kinda hard to write when you don't buy Mr. Hiddleston's "romance" with Swift real or appealing - whatever. 

Any who, we're starting to hone in on why this book is titled "Desolate Beauty", and believe me when I tell you this will become a fairly dark story once again. Sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Chapter 3 ;) 

The flight to the outer brink of space was much further than most of them thought, but for Gamora and Loki, it was all too familiar as the stars that were haunted by their screams appeared on the ship's horizon. How many nights had each of them stared up at those same stars in hopes that they would one day see them in person? To feel the warmth that they could produce were they to stand near it? It felt as if they had never left, memories bubbling to the surface like boiling water.

Loki stood at the front of the ship now, closer to where Quill and Gamora were sitting. He had to admit it, Quill was an excellent pilot and he would be helpful in their escape, as he feared getting into Thanos' domain would not prove to be the difficult aspect of this entire mission. That was but a small escape from where his mind held itself prisoner. 

Thoughts of Sigyn flooded his mind, feeling the pain that had been inflicted upon him being inflicted upon her. It was unbearable to think of what horrific things had happened to her. Nothing could ever make him imagine her to be hideous, but he knew that there was a great chance that she could be scared physically beyond recognition. He would forever live in the guilt that it was because of him that she was in this position. She would be better off far away from him – perhaps he should have just left her on Midgard after all.

"Loki, did you hear me?"

Looking to his right, he saw his brother staring at him, along with a few quick glances from Quill and Gamora. They were waiting for him to say something.

"So is that a yes or a no Aerosmith?" Quill snapped playfully.

The younger Prince's eyes narrowed at the nickname he had been given, but was stopped by a firm hand being placed on his shoulder.

"Brother, I asked where it would be best for us to approach Thanos' throne."

His green eyes now looked up at Gamora. It was obvious in her eyes that they were both thinking the same thing.

"We do not want to be found by Thanos. It is best for us to come and go without him knowing until later. We are not ready." Gamora interjected.

"Thanos is too powerful Thor, even for these Guardians and your so called "Avengers". We must leave the moment we find Sigyn."

He could hear Volstagg scoff, about to intervene and challenge Loki's claim when a harsh look from Thor was thrown his way. The warriors took a step back, watching their leader in hopes of some kind of direction being given. But there was none to give. Thor knew in his heart of hearts that if he did not head the warnings Gamora and Loki had told him, that it would most likely end in all of their deaths. A deep sigh came from the burly man, his eyes carrying to the floor and slightly over his shoulder.

"Loki is right. We cannot hope to go against Thanos now and believe that we will all escape with our lives." His blue eyes looked around to his friends and new comrades. "We will strike where Thanos is holding Lady Sigyn, and free any others that are bound in his prisons, if we can."

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