Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey peeps! So first off I'm DETERMINED to finish this stupid book soon as I want the series to end in 2017. I love this story - it has been a place for me to turn to for almost four years now, but now it is time for it to end. As we finish with this book and jump into our final book, please keep in mind that I will do my best to tie up any lose ends. However, if there is one burning question you have, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Several of you are inquiring if we will ever hear more from our favorite two in one shots - I have not decided. So after spending three days with my brother and his girlfriend, I word vomited this out. Have a Merry Christmas, I hope to have a new chapter up by Monday! :) 

They say that often on the happiest day of your life, you forget just about everything that occurred. Who was there, what was said, what you were wearing and if a morsel of food even passed your lips.

For Sigyn however, she wished for every moment of this day to be forever engrained in her mind.

She awoke with the sun, as she always had, and ate the meal that had been delivered to her room. Loki had slept in a separate room, wishing to follow every custom – Asgardian or otherwise – to ensure this day was everything they both dreamt it to be. Eméra quickly came into the room with Myndéa along with one of the top seamstresses of the Nine Realms. The three began to fit Sigyn into her dress, the lace covering the front and forming a V down her back. She had yet to feel like a queen, but in this moment, she did.

The idea that Odin would so freely give up his throne to Loki baffled her, but she cared not what the All-Father did or said anymore. Sigyn was to be married, to the Crown Prince of Asgard and the man whom she had loved since her days in the dungeons of Asgard. Not even the All-Father's scowl could ruin this day.

"Sigyn? Did you hear me?"

Myndéa interrupted the blonde maiden's thoughts. "No, I apologize Myndéa."

"I only wished to inform you that Sir Heimdall delivered this to the palace this morning." The girl handed a small envelope over and then turned to see the needs of her daughter, who had just recently awaken in the crib she had been placed in when Myndéa had entered.

The Vanir slowly opened the envelope, only to find a neatly scrawled letter inside, inked with a quill that seemed to spin gold as the light danced across the paper:

My dearest Sigyn,

I am overjoyed at seeing that Prince Loki and you have decided to become one – I only wish I could be there on this day. You are neither the girl I met that fawned over the warrior nor the girl who was unsure of her love for the Prince. The woman you have become over your trials and tribulations is inspiring. I do pray that I only may see you once more under the happiest of circumstances. Give my love to all and please, do not inform Lady Myndéa that Sir Fandral shall return this day - let it be our secret. I miss you dearly Sigyn, our friendship will be that of stories.

Yours truly,

Lady Vár

Sigyn took the time to wipe a few stray tears away before folding up the letter and placing it in a drawer on her nightstand. Turning to look at Eméra and Myndéa, Sigyn smiled. How lucky was she to have such friends that cared about her? While Véar, now Vár, could not accompany her today, the support she had from others would suffice - she was lucky to count them as her friends.

The seamstress stepped back after a while and smiled, nodding her head for Sigyn to turn around and stare at her dress in the mirror. Tears sprung to her eyes again, for she hardly recognized herself. She was not worthy of the dress she wore before her, the reflection dazzling. 

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