Chapter 16

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A/N: I hate missing someone and not knowing if I should talk to them. I'm just so... It's so hard to describe. My heart hurts, I can't think about anyone else and I keep dreaming of him. Sometimes I wish my heart would just give up already. 

But enough about my stupid sad heart, on to our story! We have FOUR more chapters left in this book! I'm sad to say our time with Loki and the Lady Sigyn are coming to an end. Stay tuned however, I'm not done yet. 

*WARNING* - If you have NOT seen Thor: Ragnarok, PLEASE do not read this chapter until you have because it contains MAJOR spoilers!!! Some things ARE changed from the film, which you should be able to figure out, but some are not - all things are to help the plot of our story! 

If you have, well... sit back, relax and have your heart torn out. 

"I'll return soon, this I swear to you Sigyn."

That had been nearly a week ago and still, Thor and Loki had not returned. Day after day in the tower, Sigyn waited, impatiently for her husband and brother-in-law to return to Avengers tower.

It had been nearly a month since they had first arrived in Midgard for Christmas. The chilly weather seemed to take away all the joy it had first brought. She had experienced the joy of a "New Years Eve kiss", which apparently was of some importance to her friends.

Steve, Bucky, T'challa and Sam had left shortly after New Years were over, all four making Sigyn promise to visit soon if she was gone before their next visit to the tower. Things were still tense between the Avengers, and yet again, Bruce Banner had vanished.

For the last few days Pietro had been entertaining Sigyn, explaining to her the customs of Midgard as well as inquiring about what life was like beyond his Realm. He seemed fascinated with the idea of leaving Earth, claiming that he "didn't feel like he was really living up to his potential". 

Wanda and Vision were inseparable as were Clint and Natasha – constantly training or leaving the tower together. Tony spent most of his day in the workshop while Pepper was busing running his business. Steven Strange had gone off with Thor and Loki while Peter returned to school in a different part of New York. After much inquiring, the blonde maiden had determined that this area of New York was not a place suitable for her, even with such a regal name as "Queens".

New mortals with powers seemed to be turning up left and right, including a mysterious woman who was unbreakable (and quite rude), a man who could not be hurt by any mortal weapon, a man with a strange fist and a remarkable tattoo, a man who seemed to burn with a fire of hatred stronger than that of her husband and a man who claimed to be "the devil of Hell's Kitchen". All five of these people appeared out of nowhere in the streets of New York, but that had not all be welcomed into the group of the Avengers - in fact they had been the reason that Steve and Tony had argued again just before the group split once more. 

Most of her day was filled with interrupted moments from Scott Lang, Jane and Torrun. Torrun was fierce and combative – just like her father. She spent most of her days terrorizing Scott, Jane and Sigyn, but mainly Scott as she had taken a shine to his peculiar humor. It was times like these that time seemed to pass the slowest, but it always does when you are waiting on someone you love. 

"Lady Jane –"

"Please Sigyn, it's just Jane here on Earth."

The Vanir blushed momentarily before continuing. Parts of her day consisted of questioning the Avengers about their lives on Midgard, about what they liked or disliked. Despite that, she had yet to ask the one question that had been burning in her mind since she first arrived back in this realm.

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