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A/N: Did you like that last line? No? Not really? Yeah well you know me... can't leave it alone! Our Epilogue is fairly short as a  LOT has happened since chapter 1. Of all the books, this one took the most 'time' out of all our other stories and it also had the most changes with our characters. It also has one of the shorter Epilogues in all of the books but with good reason - the shock value alone is worth it, if you know what I mean. ;) 

We'll talk more about book 5 and of course a preview of book 6 in the Author's Note. 

As always, here's the final part of Desolate Beauty... 

"The eldest needs to be dealt with. I sense Frost Giant in the youngest one's blood – the Kingdom will not stand for that so he is of no real concern."

"Perhaps your majesty, but if you wish for him to abandon the kingdom or for his bride to abandon him, it must be the eldest." 

Hela leaned to the opposite side of her throne. The sound of thousands of souls from the Nine Realms cried out in agony – music to the Goddess of Death's ears.

"Witch, I did not ask for you to explain this to me, I simply asked if you could kill the crown prince of Asgard. Can you or can you not? There are more than enough souls here that would willingly take your place."

The sorceress swallowed, nodding as she looked around the decimated land of Hel. Souls cried out in anger and frustration as they wished to be allowed to move on. She knew the Mistress of the Underworld would replace her in a heartbeat if she were to fail. Kill the crown prince of Asgard, Narvi. While it sounded easy, the fact that he was being watched by one of the Trickster God day and night would prove difficult. She would have to be cunning, resourceful and above all else, one step ahead of the King. 

"My Queen, consider it already done, however I must warn you; it shall take some time. This is not something that can be done in neither a fortnight nor a week's time. Something of this magnitude requires patience." The witch retorted, eager to prove that she was worthy of the task ahead. 

Narrowing her eyes, Hela nodded slowly. "Very well. You have till their 5th birthdays. Any time after that and their magic may already become too strong."

The witch's throat bobbed as she bowed before the Queen of Hel one last time. Descending down the stairs, she began to ponder over the time she had – which was not very long at all for the plan she had in place. While her nerves had slightly subsided, she had become quite curious as to Hela's true reason of desire to hold Asgard. Many knew, just as she, that Asgard was nothing now. It had been whittled away to nothing, as had it's predecessor, Odin. 

"My Queen, if you do not mind me asking, why is it that you desire Asgard? It is nothing really compared to that of the Titan and his power."

Hela's cruel lips turned up in a smile, a knife being produced from her fingertips. She twirled the elegant blade in her hands, letting the cold metal lightly draw across her pale skin. It shimmered in the minimal amount of light that had been casted on the throne. The witch thought of the times she had watched Hela plunge it through someone without a second thought in the very spot she stood. She could see the way the Queen's mind raced through a thousand outcomes in just a few seconds, but finally deciding on letting the sorceress live. Standing, she stared out over her realm before glancing back towards the witch. 

"Asgard has always been rightfully mine. Not Thor's and certain not our 'brother' Loki's. However, it is not for pettiness that I wish to hold the throne, no it is the treasures in Odin's chambers that are truly untapped. The army of past warriors was not the only thing down in those catacombs. Something far more valuable lie within it's walls."

Seeming to be pleased with the answer, the witch turned away and headed back down the stairs of the throne and towards the only exit of the realm. It was slightly unnerving to attempt to leave the Land of the Dead, a place where once you entered, only the power that Hela held would allow you to leave - if she so desired it. Upon getting closer to the exit, several of the undead guards stared at the witch, who smiled and then drew her long fingernails across their decaying chests.

"Later boys, hopefully I won't see you for a while this time." The witch replied, stepping into the blinding light.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust but she soon found herself in an open glen outside of a town of Asgard. The people nearby were rebuilding as usual and were almost too busy to notice her walk in, but when they did they greeted her as if she were a common peasant in the town. The fools. However, she could tell that the town was buzzing with gossip. Listening in, a smirk drew across her lips as she followed the string of stories around corners and down streets.

Eyes always seemed to follow her, everywhere she went. A curse or a gift, she could never be quite sure. The advantages of being noticed were welcomed on several late night occasions, but when she wished to be inconspicuous, it did not always help. Gazing at the desolated town, why he would wish to save this place was beyond her understanding.  

It did not take her long to find the raven-haired prince. He stood in what used to be the town square and gazed over the plans for the rebuilding process. She could hear his voice across the way as he instructed the builders on what to begin with first. He seemed frustrated as he repeated the same directions for the third time since she had laid eyes upon him. The way his eyebrows knit in frustration, or the sneer in his upper lip would not go unnoticed by her or his workers. 

"Seems as if ordering others around worked out well for you my King."

Loki turned, staring at the witch that had entered the town square. His lucid green eyes blinked several times, as if in disbelief that she were standing before him. His hand waved to send the workers away form them as he walked closer to her. His head seemed to turn to the side ever so slightly, as if trying to see if she were a figment of his imagination, but by the gawking of the men around him, he knew she were no mere mirage. 

"When I did not hear from you, I thought you had died."

"You cannot get rid of me that easily Loki." The witch snapped playfully back. 

A grin crossed his lips as he recognized their playful banter on her lips. "It's good to see you again, Amora."

Amora's fake smile, a smile that easily fooled the God of Lies and Mischief, became plastered across her face when she dipped her head in a small bow. "And you as well."

Walking over to where Loki stood, the men returning to the King's side as he showed Amora his plans for the town, a plan of her own began to take shape in her own mind.

The King of Asgard, the God of Lies and Mischief - was blind to the plan that the Goddess Amora was unfolding, one that would cost him everything that mattered to him. 

It was only a matter of time until his story would come to an end. 

Desolate Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 5}Where stories live. Discover now