Chapter 20

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A/N: IT'S TIME - well for multiple reasons. Obviously I'm talking about the fact that we are on our LAST chapter for book 5! Oh, but you were probably referring to the fact that Sigyn is about to give birth to the twins! As you all know, I love to throw in little things in the last bits of my books so you guys will just have to wait and see. 

Without further delay, here is the final chapter of Desolate Beauty... 


Loki bellowed as he carried Sigyn down the hallway. She screamed again as another contraction rocked through her body.

One of the guards came running down the hallway to meet Loki. Looking to Sigyn, he was about to say something when Loki began yelling again.

"Get Lady Eir and tell her to meet me in my chambers immediately."

The guard didn't argue and took off in the opposite direction down the stone hallway in search of Eir.

"Sigyn, keep breathing." Loki's face was full of panic.

The blonde laughed slightly as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Loki, I'm giving birth, not dying."

She cried out as another contraction came over her – they were getting closer together.

"Well, that would be a first now wouldn't it?" His devilish smile crossed his lips, but she of course could see just how worried he truly was.

The god walked faster through the palace till he rounded the final corner to their room. He practically kicked the doors down as put her down in the bed. He busied himself by putting pillows against the backboard and helping her move so that she was leaning against them.

She had to laugh a little as she watched him run around the room. In all the times she had been carried to this room in pain, this was much different. He was as urgent as ever, but he was careful and not thinking clearly as he usually did in a crisis. It was quite humorous for her to watch unfold.  He was mumbling under his breath in other languages as he fetched rags, water and began to clear off the bed of the other furs and blankets; she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

"Loki... Loki... Loki!" After the third time she called his name, he finally stopped and swiftly walked to the side of her bed.

"Do you need water or something? What about a hot rag? Where in Valhalla's name is Lady Eir?"

"Loki." Sigyn snagged his face between her hands. His eyes flickered around her face before settling on her eyes. Confusion was knit across his forehead as he was about to speak but she took one of her hands to place a finger on his lips, to silence him. "It's okay my love – I'm nervous too. You're not the only one who is frightened to be a parent."

The God of Lies and Mischief smiled, though it did not touch his eyes as those were full of worry, and kissed her sweaty brow. As he did, Eir walked in with a few other midwives.

"Loki, I need the room." Eir looked at him as if to dare him to defy her.

Saying nothing he moved out of the way and towards the balcony as they quickly prepared Sigyn. He began to pace on the balcony back and forth as he heard Sigyn cry out every few minutes. It was times like this that he desperately wished his brother was here to say something – anything – to keep his mind off of what was going on in the room.

So many thoughts went through his mind. He was about to be a father and he was absolutely terrified. She was a few weeks early but even still, he was still not ready. What seemed like days passed. The sky turned black and cool with the evening wind blowing in from the mountains. Her cries had become more consistent as of late and he only wished he could block out the noise. The agony of waiting was enough to drive him mad. He had begun to wonder how much longer he would have to wait when he heard her cry, followed by another unknown to him that he turned to stare at the doors that led to their room from the balcony. There, Eir stood in the doorway of the balcony, the curtains blowing out into the garden area. In her arms she held a bundle of blankets where he could see one small arm peaking through.

Desolate Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 5}Where stories live. Discover now