Chapter 3:Laugh Attack

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I wake up, with my stomach turning. "Oh shit!" I say jumping out of bed and running to Chris and I's bathroom. I run to the toilet and put up the seat. My stomach lurches, and I throw up. "F-fuck," I say, as my knees go weak. 

"Ah baby, are you okay?" I hear Chris ask as he puts my hair in a ponytail. Slowly rubbing my back. 

"Fucking peachy." I snap at him. Causing him to give a hardy laugh before going back to rubbing my back.  

"Okay sorry, that was a dumb question. Is there anything I can do for you?" he asks me softly. I smile a little.  

"Stay with me," I say as my stomach lurches, and the contents of my stomach come out. Chris rubs my back and kisses my shoulder. "Always," he whispers, as I throw up again.

I just keep throwing up, but Chris never leaves my side. Always telling me I am going to be okay, then rubbing my back soothingly. Once I was all sure that my stomach was empty I fall to my butt and lay against the wall. Chris gets up and walks over to the sink then grabs something I can't see because he is in the way. 

Slowly he turns around and walks over to me with a shot glass of mouthwash. "To get the taste out," he says smiling slightly. I smile at him then roll my eyes as I grab it from him. I swish it around till all I can taste is mint, then spit it out in the toilet. 

Chris picks me up bridal style and carries me into our room. He lays me on the bed then crawls in with me, and wraps his around me. "How are you feeling?" he whispers, and I turn to him. 

"A lot better," I say sighing. Then look him in the eyes. "Chris you could get sick. You shouldn't be so close to me." I say, and he chuckles a little.

"I don't care if I get sick. I would rather be in here sick with you, then sitting out there healthy and worried out of my mind," he says, as he kisses my head. 

"Thank you, baby," I whisper, and he pulls me in closer to him. 

"Of course now go to sleep Dillon," he whispers. I nod my head as I close my eyes and snuggle into him. He starts to play with my hair and my body relaxes in his arms.  

After a while a just laying there I am almost asleep, and I hear Chris say, "Even in sickness you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He kisses my forehead. Then I slip off into sleep. 


I wake up, and I feel cold. I reach over to where Chris should be but he isn't there. I shoot up and look around. He isn't in our room. This is the first time since we got married that I woke up without him besides of me.

I don't like it. 

I slip out of bed and head downstairs. The lights are on so maybe he is down here? When I get down there the smell of pancakes hit my nose, and I smile. I walk into the kitchen and smiled at Chris. 

He is cooking, while some music is playing so he is doing a little dance. I walk over to the bar and sit on one of the stools. I watch him dance for a little while and see him shake his ass.  

Then Chris turns around and sees me. Letting out a little scream, that if someone heard it you would think some dumb school girl was getting fucked. 

I laugh, as he places his hand over his heart. "Geesus Way you just scared the shit out of me," he says breathlessly. 

I am rolling on the floor dying of laughter. 

"Y-y-you should h-have seen you f-f-face!" I say through my laughs, and Chris is just looking at me like I am insane. I understand why though. I am a 19-year-old girl laying in a ball on the floor laughing so hard she is crying because she scared the shit out of her husband.

"You think this is funny?" Chris asks after a while, and I nod still laughing. He drops down to his knees, and start to tickle me. 

My laughs got about three times louder, and I shriek as well. "C-Chris I'm s-sorry! Please stop!" I scream. 

The front door all of the sudden bursts open and my Dad comes walking in. "What are you doing to her!" he yells, and I start to laugh harder seeing that one of his veins is about to pop out of his head.  

Chris looks terrified. "Um tickling her. S-she scared me.... so I was tickling her," he says scratching the back of his head. Dad looks at me, and I nod still laughing. 

"It sounded like you were beating her," he says, and I start to laugh even harder. "She needs help," Dad says, and yet again I start laughing harder. 

"She won't stop laughing! Damn it I'm calling Cc!" Chris says getting up and grabbing his phone. 

I'm still rolling on the ground. 

CHRIS'S POV (surprise bitches)  

I get up off the ground and grab my phone. One last time I look over to Dillon and see she is literally rolling on the ground. 

I smile a little as I dial Cc's number, and press call. It rings about three times then he answers. "Nephew-in-law! How are you!" Cc's excited voice comes through the phone. 

"I'm good, but can you come over here. I think Dillon is dying. She has been laughing for the last ten minutes straight, and she is rolling on the ground." I say, and Cc starts laughing like Dillon. 

"Haha... okay! Phew I will be right there!" he says through his laughs, and I start to regret my discussion to call him. Ten minutes later Cc walking into the house, and Dillon is still laughing like a hyena! "Dillon!" Cc says walking up to her and giggling. 

"Why are you laughing like this?" he asks sitting crossed legged in front of her. She takes a deep breath but keeps giggling. 

Cc grabs her hands and takes a deep breath. "Breathe child!" He yells dramatically. "We have done this many times before. We will get through this!" he yells, and she nods taking another deep breath.

Her laughing calms a bit, and now it's just giggles every few seconds. "Now... tell me why you are laughing," Cc says giggling a little making Dillon giggle, and sway a little. 

"E-earlier I walked into the k-kitchen, and Chris w-was cooking b-breakfast, and so I s-sat at the bar stool w-without him k-knowing! I-I scared him s-so I started l-laughing. He started tickling me a-and D-dad burst th-through the door t-thinking Chris w-was hurting me!" she says and starts to laugh like a hyena again. 

Then.... so did Cc. "You know what! Laugh till you die! Andy, and I will be in the living room eating pancakes waiting for you to return to.... Well, not normal but okayish." I say grabbing my plate of pancakes and walking into the living room. 

A minute later Andy walking as well with a smile on his face. "I worry about her," he says as he sits down next to me. 

"So do I," I say, and he nods. 

"Hey, I'm sorry I though you were hurting her. I-I just was worried," he says, and I look at him. 

"No worries. It did sound like I was hurting her and after Isaac.... I know why you worry." I say, and he nods. 

"Thanks for being good to her," he says, and I laugh,

"She deserves more than I can give her.... but I sure as hell try," I say looking at the T.V 

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