Chapter 8: Tour!

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"Dillon! Where are the water bottles!" Chris yells. 

"Already in the bus!" I shout back, as I throw the tour food in a bag. Chris comes running into the kitchen, with another bag in his hands. Then the rest of the guys follow him with his bag. "Vinny make sure, that everyone has their makeup kit!" I shout.  

He runs in. "Alright," he says walking outside towards the bus.

I sigh as I look over everything I have. I just need to make sure I have all the monster packed into the draws of the bus."Chris! Did you pack the Monster already?" I yell. 

"Yeah, babe! It's all packed with the water! I just checked!" he yells back. 

"Thank you!" I yell smiling. I grab all the food and run out to the bus with it in my hands. "Dillon I am going to grab your bags baby," Chris says kissing my cheek, and walking off. 

I nod, then walk into the bus. Ricky grabs one out of the two bags. I smile at him while I walk over to the 'kitchen' to put the food away. "Here let me do that, while you go and do roll call." Ryan Ashley says. 

"Cool. Yeah, I need to make sure all the little shits made it on alive." I say. She laughs at me. I turn around. 

"Roll call little ones! Chris!" I yell. 

"Right here love," he says walking into the bus, and kissing me. I smile. 

"Okay... Shit head!" I yell. 

"In the bunks!" Blaz yells. I laugh that he knew I was talking about him. 

"Ghost!" there was no answer. 

"Ry go look for Ghost and Kylie!" I say. She nods, then walks off the bus. 

"Ryan, and Alli!" I yell. 

"Right here mommy Motionless," Ryan says walking out of the bunks holding Ally's hand. 

"Okay now, who I really need to make sure is actually on the bus, Ricky!" I yell. 

"Behind you," he says. I jump, and elbow him in the stomach. He groans, and bends over. I laugh.

"Didn't you learn from Balz last tour?" I ask. 

"I-I forgot!" he says breathlessly. I roll my eyes and see Ry walk into the bus.    

"They are coming. Kylie's bag exploded open," she says giggling. I roll my eyes and plop down on the couch next to Chris. 

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and places his hand on my stomach. I kiss him, and he kisses back. We pull apart, and I lay my head down on his shoulder. "So I have to ask.... have you guys told the fans that you are pregnant yet?" Alli asks. 

"No, we haven't. I kind of have a plan for that though. You guys would have to help out though." Chris says. 

Everyone looks at him, and his smile slowly grows. "Well every day or so, one of us will post a photo of Dillon and I. The thing is... with these photo's there will be little subtle hints that she is pregnant," he explains. 

I smile up at him. That really is a good idea. Everyone will have to look for the clues, and.... it fun. "That sounds cool. Here let's start now." Ry says grabbing her phone. 

"What do you want us to do?" I ask. 

"Well it was really cute when you two were kissing, so kiss again and Chris keep your hand on her stomach." she says.

I nod then look to Chris. He leans down and kisses me. I hear Ry's camera go off, but we don't pull away. I smile into the kiss. 

Soon though Chris pulls away, and I smile. "That is a really cute picture. I am going to post it right now," she says sitting down. 

I peek over her shoulder, to look at the picture but she covers it. "I'll tag you in it. You can see it soon," she says.

I roll my eyes and lean back onto Chris. I see Ghost, and Kylie enters the bus. I take a deep breath, as Chris kisses the top of my head. I close my eyes, then I hear my phone go off. I open my eyes as I pull my phone out of my pocket, and turn it on. I slide the notification over, and it opens up Instagram. 

I see the picture and smile. It really does look cute, plus his hand on my stomach makes my heart flutter. 

I decided to look through the comments to see what the fans are saying. The first one makes me laugh. @jixxlife Damn.... they really are goals. Not fair." 

@ronnieradke Awe they look so cute! Have fun on tour, and please make sure she stays healthy!

@AndyBlack Gonna miss all you guys for the next three months! Have fun! Keep her safe!

I read through all the comments and smile. Of course, they are telling Ry to make sure I am safe. 

Chris must be reading over my shoulder because he is laughing with me. "They really do care about you," he says. 

"Yeah....they always have," I say. Chris wraps his arms around me, and I snuggle into his chest. "I love you." he whispers to me. 

I look up at him and smile. "I love you too," I whisper back. 

Chris pecks my lips and places his forehead on mine. "Come on love... its 4 am. Let's get you some sleep." he says picking me up and carrying me to the bunk area. 

I nod and grip onto his shirt. He carries me to my bunk and lays me into it. "Lay with me. You need sleep too." I say as I scoot over to the wall. 

He nods and climbs in. He wraps his arm around me and lays down. Chris pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep. 

Off to tour! Whoopie! 

Married To Chris Motionless (Sequel to Growing Up Andy's Beirsacks Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now