Having The Babies (Part Two)

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"Alright lets do this." Chris says as he kisses me. I shudder as I take deep breath then look over to my Dad who is standing on the other side of me. He smiles at me with his famous Andy smile. "They are going to be here soon." he says. I nod as I look to my Mom. Who is ready to help me give birth. 

"Lets start sweetheart." she says as she helps me put my legs up. "Alright on your next contraction push." she says. I nod as the pain washes over me. I groan as I push. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" she says. Once she says ten I breath out.  "Fuck!" I say panting. 

"Good job. Now again." she says and I start to push. 

"God damn it Chris! You are NEVER touching me again!" I scream. I calm myself as my head falls back on the pillow. 

"Didn't think I would for a while." he says laughing a little. "Push!" Mom says. I groan then start to push yet again. "I can see one of their heads! Come on! Keep going!" Mom cheers me on. I groan again as I take a deep breath. I push harder then relief goes over my body. 

I hear the cry's of one of my babies. "Its a boy guys. Gotham Andrew Cruelli is here." she says as she hands him to the nurse then goes back to help get Legacy out of me. 

"Alright! Lets get the little lady out!" she says. Then I start to push as a contraction hit me. I grip on to Chris hand, and I hear him growl a little. I let go of the tension in my body as I pant.

Not even a minute later a contraction runs through me so I push as hard as I can. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I yell. I hear Dad laugh, and Chris groan as I probably break his hand with my grip. 'Alright she is almost out! One last push." Mom says. 

I nod then a contraction hits me. I scream as I give one last push, and I hear my daughters cry's fill the room.  I smile as I look at Chris. He smiles at me then kisses my head. "They're here." he says. Tears in his eyes. 

Not sure if it's from the joy, or the pain of his hand, but there were tears. 

Then I look at my Dad. He has a smile on his face as he looks at me. "My grand kids are here." he says all excitedly. 

"I know. I pushed them out." I say laughing. He laughs then tries to look at them. "Chris. Dad, go look at them. Oh and count their fingers and toes!" I say. Chris laughs a little as he walks to them. His eyes fill with love as one of the nurses hand him a baby. 

He looks at me then walks over. "Dillon meet our daughter Legacy." he says as he tilts his arm a little so I can see her face. She looks just like Chris. The darkest brown hair, a pointed nose. Not quite as big as Chris's, but still prominent. "Wow." I whisper sadly. 

"She's beautiful." I say to him. He nods as he kisses her head. "Batman bring me Gotham." I say. Dad turns around with Gotham in his arms and a smile on his face. 

Slowly he walks to me, and shows my my baby boy. He has the same hair as Legacy, but he looked more like me facial wise. "i want to hold them." I say. Chris nods as he puts Legacy into my arms, then Dad puts Gotham in my other one. 

"God both of you are beautiful." I say to them. Chris sits on the side of my bed, and Dad sits on the other side. 

"Do you want me to go get your uncles?" Dad asks me. 

"Go get em." I say. Tears in my eyes as I look at the kids.

"They are extremely healthy for how early they are." Mom says as she walks over by my side. 

"They are beautiful. Holly shit." Chris says stroking Legacy's cheek then smiling a Gotham.     

"Yes they are. Now... I need you to prepare before all of their uncles come in." she says to us. I take a deep breath while nodding my head. I look down at the children in my arms and give them a half hearted smile. "Alright you too... your Dad and I need to warn you before you family gets in here.' I say half laughing. 

"They are loud." Chris says. 

"They are fun." I say. 

"And most of all they love you." Chris says laughing. 

"But... they are going to shock you at times. You may hide behind someone when they come into a room once you get older, but you are going to love them." I say laughing. 

"with all of your little hearts. Even if they grow as black as ours." Chris says laughing. 

"So... get ready because here they come." I say laughing. 

Then right on time Cc runs into the room with the biggest smile on his face. "I wanna see the babies!" he whispers yells as he tip toe prances over to us. I laugh as his eyes go wide when he sees them. 

"Can I hold one of them?" he asks. I nod as I hand over Gotham. "Witch one is it?" he asks looking at him. 

"That is Gotham Andrew Cruelli." I say smiling. 

"Fuck! Cc was the first to teach her something on a instrument and now... he was the first to hold on of the kids." Jinxx says walking in.

"Nope that was Dad." I say. 

"Good." Ashley says standing next to Jinxx. I smile at him as Jake walks up next to him. 

"Alright you two. This is the first batch of you uncles. Be ready. They are the craziest. Besides the Mexicans." I say talking to the twins.  They all laugh, besides Ashley. He is looking at Legacy in my arms. 

"Can I hold her?" he asks. I nod as he walks over. I put her in his arms and he smiles, but you can see the tears rising in his eyes. 

"She is amazing." he whispers moving her hair a little. 

"She is." Jake says standing by him. Then Jinxx goes over and stands by Cc. He has a smile on his face. 

"He looks like you!" Jinxx says laughing. 

"He looks just like who? He has two parents in the room in the moment." I say laughing. 

"He looks like you Dillon." Jinxx says rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah, but Legacy look like Chris." I say laughing still. 

"I wanna see her. Share Ashley." Jinxx says walking over to him. Ash sighs as he hands her over. Jake taking Gotham into his arms. 

I look around and smile. Wait till the rest of the family meets the 

This is going to be fun. 


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