Purdy Jr.

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"Hey Dillon what are you doing after this?" Justin asks as he puts an arm around my shoulders. 

"Going to my Dad's house to pick up Gotham and Legacy." I say smiling. 

"Could I come! I kinda want to meet Ashley, and from what you have told us in the last two hours he will probably be there."

"Yeah probably. Sure come on. Do you guys want to come too?" I ask turning around and seeing Ryker and Daniel standing there. A cheeky smile goes across Ryker's face.

"If that would be okay." he snickers. 

"Yeah lets go." I say waving them forward. I walk over to my car, and smile as I get in. "Oh how I love you." I say rubbing the dash board. I lean my head out of the car. "Alright guys! Follow me!" I yell. Then I shut the door and start him up. 

The car purrs to life. I pull out of the office parking lot. Three cars pulling out behind me. I smile as I get onto the highways. I kick it up into 5th gear and speed off. Heading into my Dad's house. 

We drive for a little while I then we get to Dad's. I hop out of my car, and look at the cars that were already in the drive way. "Yup Ashley is here." I say. I see Justin look a little worried then put a smile on his face. 

I look at him weird, but he just shrugs. I decide to ignore it then walk up to the front door. When I walk in a can hear Legacy screaming her head off. "God damn it guys! What did you do to my daughter." I yell as I walk into the living room. Dad is holding Legacy and looks really flustered. "She doesn't liek me right now." he says. 

I roll my eyes then go and take legacy from his arms. She immediately quiets down. "Shh baby. Don't cry. Mommy's here." I sooth her. Moving her hair a little and bouncing her in my arms. 

"Haha she looked at Andy like he was the anti-Christ!" Ashley says laughing.

"Yeah she got her facial expressions from Chris. That's for sure." I say laughing. 

"Oh whose that?" Ashley says pointing behind me. I turn around and see the guys standing there awkwardly. 

"Oh this is my new band... we don't have a name." I say smiling. 

"Dude! Did you figure out how to time travel when you were younger!" Dad almost yell as he stand up and walks over to Justin. I just snicker as Justin looks at him like a deer caught in the headlights.  

"Um no... but it sure looks like I did." Ash says walking over to where Dad was standing. Justin looks at Ash in amazement. 

"You sure you don't have a kid then?" Dad asks laughing but Justin goes rigid. Apparently Dad noticed though because he looks at the kid. Then to Ashley then back to Justin. "Um Dillon... and other guys. I think we need to give these two some time to talk." Dad says walking over to me, and grabbing my arm. Leading me into the kitchen. 

"What the hell is going on?" Daniel asks quietly as he walks in. 

"If we knew we wouldn't be so shocked! And where is the fuck is my son!" I whisper yell. Dad laughs a little. 

"Asleep in the bat cave, and what I think is going on is. Justin is Ashley's son." Dad says to us.

"Shit." I say then start to snicker. Dad gives me a what-the-fuck look. "Do you remeber what I said to Ashley when he was complaining about not having another BVB kid when I was turning 18." I say to him. 

He goes into his thinking face then he smiles. "If I remeber correctly is was something along the lines of 'If you want another kids so bad look back to all your hook up's and see if they have a kids the same age as of when you hooked up." Dad says. 

"I know this isn't all that funny, but oh the irony. Plus all the shit he is going to get for Cc and I." I say still snickering. Dad nods his head then we look back to Ryker who is laughing. 

"Hey Daniel. I think we are going to like being part of this family. Look at their reaction to what is going on right now." he says nudging Daniel with his elbow. 

"Yeah. You guys are fun." Daniel says looking at my Dad. I roll my eyes then I hear my son start to cry. I hear Ashley yell "I got it!" from the next room. 

"Fuck no Purdy! My son! Deal with your's!" I yell as I  start to run up the stairs. I can hear all the guys laughing from the kitchen. I walk into the bat cave, and can't help but to snort as I see how truly bat man it is. 

I walk over to Gotham's cradle and smile at him. "Grandpa went all out with the room didn't he." I say picking him up. He coo's impatiently at me, making me laugh. "Hangry I see." I say as I walk over to the diaper bag and pull out of the bottles I packed for the twins.

I put the tip to his lips, and he starts to eat. "Why are you always up in the nursery when I come home?" someone says as they wrap their arms around my waist. I smile knowing it's Chris. 

"Cause I love being in them. This one is amazing, but ours is better." I say turning around and seeing him. 

"So who are the three guys downstairs?" he asks. 

"Band mates." I say smiling. His eyes go wide and he smiles. 

"So you are in! Oh you guys are gonna go so far!" he says grabbing my face and kissing me. I smile into the kiss knowing how excited he is. He pulls away and has a smile on his face. "I'm lad you are excited. Now lets go downstairs. We have to deal with two Purdy's." I say. Making him give me an odd look. 

"I'll explain in a minute." I say as I walk out of the room.  

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