Possible Kids

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"We're here!" Cc yells as he walks in. 

"Get your ass's in the living room right now." I yell back. 

"Shit. Mama Motionless in mad. This isn't good." I hear Ricky whisper to the guys. Getting a few murmurers of agreement. "I'm not joking. Get in here." I say to them. Then I hear the shuffle of feet get louder and quicker. 

All the guys come into the room, and look at us all. "So... who are these guys." Ghost asks as he sits down next to me. Slowly taking Gotham into his arms. I smile at him as he makes faces at me now wide awake son.  "These guys are my new band members. Daniel, Ryker, and Justin." I say gesturing to all of them.

"Awesome! Dillon's going to go far!" Jinxx says smiling. 

"Yeah we will, but thats not what you are here to talk to us about. Justin over here is Ashley's son." I say to them.  Everyone in the room goes quite. 

"What?"Cc asks with a smile. 

"Yup... I have a son." Ashley says sighing. 

"Dillon you owe me twenty bucks!" Cc yell s pointing at me. I smile at them see Ashley glaring at me. 

"Hey I was defending you! Glare at Cc!" I say glaring back at him. He nods then starts to glare at Cc. 

"Anyways what we wanted to make sure that when you guys got sighed... you didn't have girlfriends did you?" Chris asks. A few of the guys look at him weird, and the rest just start to think. 

"I had a girlfriend, and oh man was she beautiful. Her name was D'laynee. We broke it off for the better when we got signed, but I really loved her." Ghost says sighing a little at the though of his once love. 

'Did you guys have sex?" I ask. He look at me weird then nods. "Yeah the night I left. Why?" he asks me. 

"Fuck. Get a hold of her and see if she has a kid!" I say. He just looks at me shocked then pieces things together. 

"Yup getting right on that." he says nodding. I can see that the other guys are piecing it together as well. 

"Shit!" Jake says as he walks out of the room and grabs his phone. Ricky texting somebody, and Cc as well.

"Well my family has more issues than I though they would. I have to get going." Justin says as he stands up. 

"Alright yeah. See you tomorrow." I say. He nods then walks out. Daniel and Ryker following behind him.  I sigh as I lean on Chris. 

"Hey calm down. Tomorrow is Friday... and you know what we are doing this Friday?" he asks me happily. 

"No what are we doing?" I ask. He sighs then rolls his eyes as he looks at me then to our daughter. "Your mommy is very forgetful. Not only that, but she has forgotten that Motionless In White is up for award tomorrow at the APMA's." he says to Legacy.

My eyes go wide then I place my head in my hands. "Shit I forgot. I'm sorry." I say to the guys. 

"No worries. Just make sure you are red carpet ready tomorrow night with the twins by your side. Everyone wants to see those kids!" Josh says sitting back. 

"Chris we need to go home now! I need to see if we have clothes for the kids, and I need a dress for myself." I say quickly. Ghost starts to laugh. 

"I told you Chris!" he says then looks at me. "Come over out my house tomorrow morning. I have your outfit ready, and the kids." he says to my. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I say hugging him. Being careful of Gotham. I pull away then take Gotham into my arms. "You get to see your first award show, and hopefully will see Daddy and your Uncles win something!" I say bouncing him up and down. 

He lets out a little squeal that makes my heart flutter. "You excited baby?" I ask him. He hits my chin as he gurgles happily. I sit down next to Chris and look over to Legacy. She is looking all around curiously. "Hey baby girl." I say pouting my finger in her hands. 

She gives a small smile as she gurgles at Chris and me. "We love you two." I say to them. 

"Yes we do." Chris says as he kisses my forehead. I smile as I lean my head on his shoulder and look down at the twins. They were both happily gurgling in our arms. 

"You guys are such a cute family." Jinxx says sitting down on the ground by the fire place. I look up and smile at him.   

"Thanks. Hey guys we shoudl head out. These two are going to become not so happy campers if we don't get them to bed soon." I say. Chris smiles as he stand up, and heads over to the twins car seats. I follow behind them as I walk over to the car seats. 

I put Gotham in his car seat then cover him up with his blanket. Chris grabs them and smiles at me. "Bye Dad! Bye guys!" I scream at them.

I get a chorus of byes back as we walk out of my Dad's house and get in the car. Tomorrow is going to be fun. 

Married To Chris Motionless (Sequel to Growing Up Andy's Beirsacks Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now