Fatherly Advice

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I smile as I look down to the little boy in my arms. I have been in the hospital for three days, and today everyone was coming to see us. "Are you going to open your eyes again?" I ask in a baby tone. Gotham's little face scrunches up a little then clams down. "So... is that a no?" I ask laughing a little. 

Yesterday Gotham opened his eyes. They are very blue. Much like my fathers. I look over to the couch that Chris is laying on with Legacy laying on his chest. 

My smile grows as I grab my phone, and take a photo. The light coming from behind them made it look beautiful. 

I decide to post it on Instagram with the caption "Chris and his little Daddy's girl."  I sigh as I put my phone away and look back to Gotham. "Are you ready to meet your Aunt and Uncles?" I say to him. 

Then he slowly starts to open his eyes. They were so blue and his little nose was so cute. He kinda looked like my Dad.

Oh but Legacy was the girl version of Chris

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Oh but Legacy was the girl version of Chris. She had the same hair as Gotham, but she has Chris's beautiful brown eyes. Her nose was more like his, and so was her attitude. She's a daddy's girl. Thats for sure. 

(That picture was fucking hard to find! Not to many brown eyed babies I guess) 

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(That picture was fucking hard to find! Not to many brown eyed babies I guess) 

You wouldn't know they were twins, until you see them together. They are already so bonded. I just love these two. I look back over at Chris as he shifts a little, but he has his hands on Legacy's back to make sure she didn't fall making me smile at how protective he was even in his sleep. "Knock knock." Dad says as he walks into the room. 

I look at him, and smile. He is wearing black skinny leg jeans, red tee shirt, and a batman leather jacket. "Wow... how appropriate for their names." I say. He looks then confused then he smiles. 

"Oh my outfit? Yeah... decided why the hell not." he says shrugging as he walks closer. He looks down to Gotham and gasps. "He got your eyes!" he whisper yells. 

"Yeah and Legacy got Chris's. She is such a Daddy's girl." I say laughing a little. 

"I can tell. Look at how he holds her even in his sleep. Look at the way she grips onto his shirt like it is the only thing she has. That's how you were when you would fall asleep in my lap. You were a Daddy's girl." he says slowly taking the baby out of my arms. 

"I love you. What can I say." I say shrugging. Dad laughs at me. 

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." he says as sits on the chair by my bed, then looking at Chris. "Has he gone home yet?" he asks. 

"No he wont. He doesn't want to leave them." I say. 

"Don't you mean us?" he asks raising his eyebrows. 

"No. Them. It's all about them right now. He knows I am fine, but with these two being three months early... we are scared. They seem healthy but anything can pop up. And the scares the shit out of him." I say sighing. 

"Your Mom said they would be fine Dillon. I get that you are worried. Believe me... I get it, but you can't let that get in the way of everything else. I didn't. I brought you right along to everything." he says. 

"What are you saying Dad?" I ask giving him a look. He sighs then looks at his Grandson.

"What I am saying is that you still have a long life in front of you, and lots of talent. Maybe you should... go for your dreams. Make sure everything you d with your life is above and beyond the normal standers." he says looking me in the eyes. "If you want to sing in a band, like you have wanted since you were twelve go for it. Just take the kids along for the ride. Especially since you have a supportive loving husband there for you." he says to me. 

I just look at him for a little while. "What made you say this all of the sudden?" I ask; quite curious. 

"Chris. He is worried that, though you will be happy with him and the kids. That you will limit yourself. That just because you have two kids... you wont shoot for the stars like you use to. He wants you to go for your dreams, but he also wants you to know that he will be right there to help you." he says serious. 

"Did he tell you this?"

"No. He was talking to Kellin, and Kellin told me. He wants you to go far! If you feel like you don't want that anymore that is fine. But if you want it. Go get it! Chris will be there every step of the way. That was the point of this talk Dillon. Go get em. With no fear of loosing him or the kids." he says stroking Gotham's cheeks. 

I take a deep breath then start to think. Do I still want to be in a band? I mean I have always wanted to, but now I have Gotham and Legacy. Not to mention a over grown man child as a husband. 

Yet Chris wants me to go for it. He would be there cheering me on with the kids. 

Do I want to do this? Yeah?  

Should I do it? I have no clue.

"Thanks you Dad. This... changes things." I say. He smiles at me then looks at Chris. 

"I just want to make sure you and Chris go far. Farther than even me." he says. 

"That's no possible, but we can sure as hell try." I say smiling. He nods his head then hands me Gotham. I give him a weird look, but he just keeps smiling. 

"I am going to go get the family. Wake up Chris, and um... prepare." he says as he walks out of the door. I look around, and see a small teddy bear. 

I pick it up then hurl it at Chris's head. Making sure not to hit Legacy. 

His eyes snap open, and his grip on Legacy get tighter. "Family is coming in. Get prepared." I say smiling. He nods his head then sits up. One hands on Legacy's head holding it close, and the other supporting her butt.  

"You are such a good Daddy." I say. He looks at me and smiles. 

"Good. I didn't think I could love anyone as much as you, but damn. These kids proved me wrong."  he says as he walks over to me, laying Legacy in my arms. Then taking Gotham into his. "Hey Gotham." he says. 

Gotham hits his face lightly. Then Chris kisses his little fist. "What a punch for a three day old." he says laughing. 

"Yeah imagine him kicking your insides for nine months." I say. Chris looks at me and smiles. 

"Well thanks for carrying my children, and any more to come in the years to come." he says, adn my eyes go wide. 

"No more kids till these two are at LEAST potty trained." I say. Chris opens his moth to say something, but gets cut off. 

"Good plan!" Vic says walking in. "Now let me see one of them." he says walking up to me. I hand him Legacy and he smile. "She is adorable!" he squeals a little. 

Chris and I both laugh. "So Legacy Quinn Cruelli?" he says. 

"Yup." Chris says proudly since he came up with the name. 

"Alright guys.... there are like twenty people coming in. Be ready." Vic says looking at us. Oh great. Here we go.  

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