Chapter 2

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Ok, so I know its been a bit slow so far, but I have big plans for the next chapters. Feedback is really appreciated, I need to know how to make it better!


The next day, I was on edge for the whole evening. I knew there was little chance of an attack in broad daylight, but at night...After the sun went down, I got a whole lot worse. With Halem gone, it felt like every defence I had was gone too, and I was forced to place my faith in what I considered as food. Still, as the girls in my dorm sneaked off to meet their boyfriends, the hunger for blood got too much and I couldn't help but to slip quietly out of the window for a midnight snack.

Running through the grounds stripped me of my worries, and as much as it hurt, I knew I had to hold onto them to keep me focused. Leaving them behind would make me careless. Winter was drawing closer, and since yesterday all the squirrels seemed to have decided to go into hibernation. All I found was a scrawny looking rabbit whose blood was riddled with infection and weak with old age. Still, food was food, so I ate it anyway.

Perching in my favourite tree, I didn't even flinch when Cappa appeared in the boughs beneath me. I waited while he clambered next to me and then there he was, his dusty silver eyes gazing out into the grounds. I snaked my hand into his and squeezed his fingers, relieved when he returned the pressure. I'd turned him, years ago. But he'd asked. He'd told me he was willing to become a monster if it meant we could be together, so that was just what I'd made him.

"Halem's gone."


Cappa sighed. "I know you're worried, Mai."

 "Darrel's dead."

"Hmm." Cappa turned his head to me. I looked into his face, surveying his long brown hair and moonlit eyes. "Fred."


"Oh." He turned away. "Unfortunate."

"Look Cappa. I've been thinking. Maybe we should get out while we've got the chance, ya'know? It's getting dangerous, we all know we won't survive a week if the Halves make a move. We can take the clan and leave, with or without Halem."

He chuckled. "You're forgetting the influence this guy has. The Clan might as well be dogs."

I hissed through my fangs in frustration. "Why the hell do I feel so helpless, Cappie? Is there nothing I can do?!"

"You can keep yourself safe." Cappa soothed. "That'd keep me happy, and the Clan a hell of a lot safer, too. You're the most powerful out of all of us. You've got strength we couldn't dream of."

"And some of it's in you." I slipped a hand round his waist and huddled close to him.

He sighed. "Don't bring this up again, Mai. I told you I'm fine with it."

"I feel guilty." I said for the millionth time. "I shouldn't have-" I paused, listening. "Wait."

I slid off the branch and free-fell down to the muddy base of the tree, landing in a crouch and pinning the rabbit under my hands before it could scamper away. There was a soft thud beside me, and Cappa was stood in the mud.

He didn't say anything as I lifted it up, examining my catch.

"I'm not hungry." I sighed, offering it over.

When he shook his head, I lowered the ball of fur to the floor and watched as it raced across the field and into the hedgerow, scrabbling under the thorns. Once I'd tried to follow one to its burrow when Halem had stopped me even hunting wildlife, but it lost me in a bush.

He took me into his arms. "You feel cold." He joked, but I wasn't in the mood for laughing.

"We're sitting ducks out here." I said instead, and he released me. "What if we're ambushed?"

"The Halves won't know Hale's gone yet." Cappa said reassuringly, but I wasn't convinced. "No worries. If anyone tries anything out here, I'll make sure you're the last to go."

"Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically, still smiling, and I finally letting him hug me. I kissed him softly, then perked up my ears as hushed voices began to make their way back across the field.

"The Dorm." I hit my head softly on his shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Or any time we're not sitting ducks." He added, giving me a goodnight kiss.

I ran away into the bushes, ducking and hiding behind the branches to make sure the voices wouldn't see me. Leaping up the gutter, I clambered up the pipe and stopped at the open window, ducking through and slipping off the window sill. Sliding the window shut, I paused and offered one last wave to Cappa before closing the curtains.

Cappa ~#~

Darrel dead. Hale gone. Halves preparing for attack. I slipped my hands into my pockets and made my way round the back of the building, keeping under the shadow of the bare trees in case someone looked out of their window and saw me. Winter was on its way, and the branches with their few remaining leaves were coated in thin layers of frost.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled up the Home number.


"Wes." I was surprised that someone answered straight away. "Hi."

"Hey dude. So I'm guessing you want Halem?"


"He's not here."

"Huh?" I glared at the phone accusingly. "Where's he gone?"

"He said he was going hunting." Down the other end of the phone, Wes scoffed. "Yeah right. He won't come back with food. Who does he think he's kidding?!"

"He's hunting for you?" Up in Mai's window, her light clicked off and the room fell dark behind the curtains. "Doesn't he steal from that bloodbank up the way?"

"I don't pretend to understand it. But hey," Wes lowered his voice, "I'll tell you something interesting, right? We're planning a break-out."

"A break-out." Now it was my turn to scoff. "It's not a prison."

"It might as well be." Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling. "Although that thing with Darrel wasn't planned, it's the perfect cover."

"Cover." I growled. "Darrel's dead. You call that cover?"

"You use what you get, dude."

Wes annoyed the hell out of me. He was young at only twenty years since being Turned, and he had absolutley no idea about just how serious an Ashing was.

"If he's not there..." I said carefully, choosing my words. "Then who's with you?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Nobody." Growled Wes, and an outbreak of snarling and hissing sprung out of the background. "He's locked us in a room and put a UV lamp on the other side of the door."

"Ah." I could picture it. "Carnage."

"Carnage." Wes agreed testily. "Look man, I gotta go. Imogen's trying to claw Bianca to death."

"Right." I sighed. "Just another day in paradise."

He hung up. I looked up at Mai's window, half-expecting to see her nose pressed against the window. I felt guilty about Wes, a kid like him wouldn't last two minutes in a fight against someone like Biance or Imogen. We didn't need any more Darrels.

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