Chapter 14

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Mai ~#~

The suite had three beds. I sank down on the first and glared at Dimitri, who was standing next to the bedside table of the third bed, trying to keep his distance from Cappa.

"First things first." I spoke up. "Where are Kye and Savius?"

"Malakye and his brother were captured outside a car rental." Dimitri crossed his arms with a sigh. "Not to worry, Hale won't harm them so long as they don't try anything. Savius will look after...Kye."

Cappa looked cynical. He was staring at Dimitri with contempt, and Dimitri was watching him back.

"Look, I'm not asking you to trust me straight away." He shifted his weight to his right foot. "The fact we've stopped trying to kill one another is a good sign though, right?"

Cappa rubbed a hand across the front part of his neck, the part that had been exposed to the stake. It was a subconscious move, but one Dimitri seemed to pick up on.

"Why does Halem need me?" I asked, kicking off my shoes. They were tight and pinched my feet, not to mention the numerous stones I had rattling round inside them. I had been preparing myself for the answer, but what Dimitri said next knocked me off my feet.

"Because as soon as you reach two hundred years old you'll be able to access the powers you were born with." Dimitri sat back, savouring the looks as they passed between Cappa and I.

"Hale was planning on executing this raid on the Halves with you trusting him, but seeing as you uncovered his schemes early, he'll now have to make you to kill them by force."

"But they're evil." I protested. "They're our enemies. Why shouldn't I kill them?"

"Hale has a personal vendetta against them." Dimitri continued. "The leader of the Halves is his ex-wife. She left him for another vampire. A rogue of their Clan depleated their food and exposed them so they have to move. Hale wants to slaughter them all to teach her a lesson."

Cappa's mouth fell open. "And what happens to Mai?"

"He'll have to force all of your powers to the surface." Dimitri looked regretful. "As you're not strong enough the ultimate effect will kill you....but you'll kill the Halves in the process."

Cappa sank down next to me. I reached for his hand. "And he'll do that if catches us?"

"How?" Cappa asked softly.

"Extremes of emotion." Dimitri's eyes slid ever so slightly to Cappa's face, whose expression turned frosty.

I noticed.

"He'll kill me." Cappa's voice was cold.

"Then we have to get away from Hale!" I stood up. "Right now, we have to move."

"Sit down." Dimitri soothed. "We're fine here for today. We can leave tonight."

"But the Halves attacked us." Cappa reminded me. "They tried to kill us when we were going back to get Savius."

"They must've been looking for Hale."

There was a frosty silence. I glared accusingly at the drawn curtains of our suite, watching as they gradually grew lighter from the rising sun. So I finally knew. I wasn't sure now that I wanted too. Cappa's arm snaked round my shoulder, and my mental debate vanished. I wouldn't let Hale kill him.

I heaved a heavy sigh and stood up, crossing the room to the backpack that was slung over the door handle. Dimitri and Cappie watched me go. I unzipped it and turned round with two bottles of blood. Dimitri raised his eyebrows. He knew Cappa and I would share, and he seemed displeased about having a whole bottle.

"We need to keep our reserves." He said, taking a gulp out of the one I handed him and screwing the lid back on, dropping it into his deep coat pocket. "I'll keep the rest."

Dimitri interested me. He seemed...colder. More controlled. I could tell why his intelligence might've worried Hale.

"He was raising you for slaughter the whole time." Cappa had ice in is tone.

Dimitri frowned. "I'm sorry."

"So my parents' deaths..." I said slowly. I had never discussed my parent's deaths with Cappa. I had told them they had died and that had been it. It was too painful to speak about. "Hale might've been behind it."

Dimitri shook his head. "I'm sorry." He said again. "But he never mentioned them."

"I bet he didn't." I spat, eyes turning to slits.

 "When's your birthday, Mai?"

"Next week."

"Conveniently around the same time of the Halves attack." Dimitri muttered coldly. "We'll have to avoid him until then. Skip the country maybe."

"If you've got money." Cappa shifted next to me. "Feel free."

~#~ Later on

Dimitri had given us space when Cappa requested it. He nodded to him quietly and stepped out of the room, casting me a final glance before slipping out of the door. Cappa rubbed a hand over his face and came to sit down next to me, lolling his head forward to shield his expression through a mask of hair.

"Alright. We need to seriously think about this."

"I know."

"Mai, if Dimitri found us, Hale can too. We need to ditch him and get out of here, pronto."

I inhaled deeply. "Look Cappie. Somehow Hale hasn't found us yet, and all of the sudden Dimitri has. If he can find us when nobody else can, he must have a decent brain in his head. He could be useful."

Cappie processed this. "You trust his loyalties?"

I thought carefully about my answer. "We need to remain careful, but so far, yes."

Finally, he flipped his head back. There was a pained expression on his face. "I need to protect you."

"And I need to protect you." I shot back. "Hale will, in all probability, kill you to force my talents to the surface, but not before extensively torturing you first. I can't put you through that. You're just as vital as I am."

Cappie chewed his lip. "We keep Dimitri."

"We keep Dimitri." I agreed. "At the first sign of trouble we can kill him. I truly think he's here to protect us, Cap. He wants to help to get revenge on Hale."

Cappie snorted. "And not to stop you from destroying yourself."

I shrugged. "I don't know. But every second he's out in that hallway, he's a potential target. Let him in and we can talk about making a move tonight."

He stood up. "I'm warning you now, Mai." He said quietly. "I'll kill him if I have to. Even if he does have a decent head on his shoulders."

I sighed.

Dimitri's threats when he first arrived hadn't helped Cappie to warm to him. I just hoped Dimitri didn't do anything stupid.

 25 Reads or so and I'll upload the next chapter I think...

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